Monday, September 01, 2008

My son Guy stayed with us Friday night.We picked him up with Helen just after half past nine Friday night.He likes staying over, although i was working Saturday he still wanted to stay.
We dropped him off home after we had taken him to Asda ,they have a coin changing machine, which counts you money, coppers and silver and give you a voucher for the final amount. you than take to any till and get the amount back in notes, he had over £25.00 .

After dropping Guy off home Helen and I went to Lawnswood crematorium, to visit and say prays for my Mother Ethel (Micky) and Father Ted , my uncle Jack and my cousin Paul.

After leaving there we stopped at a near by Co-op and bought a loaf of bread a couple of sandwiches, two bottles of pop and two chocolate eclairs. We had decided to go for picnic and feed the ducks at Golden Acre Park.
On the way back Helen wanted to see where my mother used to live . So we went the short distance over to Harehills to the street i grew up on and my mums old house where she lived until she died well over fifty years , i took Helen to visit jean my mothers best friend who had lived in the same street has my mum for fifty years as well and has known me all my life.

She said my mother knew i wasn't happy in my marriage and Jean was genuinely happy i was with Helen.


Drove over to Liverpool to visit the Albert Docks, took with us the obligatory egg mayonnaise sandwiches and the tea and coffee flask's no day trip is complete without them.

We got there just after mid day and first place we went to was the Beatles Exhibition and tour of their work music and life it was over priced i thought but we did both enjoy it and is a must for any Beatle fans .

It took about an hour and half to complete we could have made it last longer but we had seen enough.

This lead us out in to Starbucks and it has been a while since i have had a white chocolate mocha got Helen a tea which is the first time i have been in to a Starbucks and ordered a tea .

We also visited the Maritime Museum which is free entry and the Slavery Museum which was also free. Did a complete circuit of Albert Docks then drove home back to Leeds.

Got back just after six o clock we was both ready for a drink i felt the need for a nice cold pint of cider so we went to the Stansfield Arms whilst we was drinking our drinks we decided to order Sunday lunch.

We had a half a hours wait before we got a table we finally got seated and both of us had lamb shank with Yorkshire pudding mash and potatoes, i had mine with hand cut chips Helen had vegetables.

Followed by treacle sponge and custard for Helen i had white chocolate and blueberry cheese cake FOR £9.95 each on there early bird deal.

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 SUNDAY _- Went to Nelson Court in York Helens mother had a bad fall she dislocated her shoulder fractured her arm in three places , broke h...