Monday, September 08, 2008

Tonight and the next few nights four in total Helen is sleeping at her old house and home to look after her youngest son, whilst her husband works nights. He is only 12 years old, Helen's older son has gone fishing for the week with his Grandad, so no one is going to be there to supervise him.
i will hate her being away but i understand and as hard as it is i will get by its a case of having to, i will miss her and it will hurt but i get to see her still before she leaves at nine o clock each night and she will spend the rest of the day at our house, and i am taking her for her occupational health appointment Wednesday afternoon.

I just wish i could take the week of sick and just mope around the house looking at our photos watching DVDs we have watched together and reading old emails and text messages, walking by the canal and just not doing anything resembling work , i hope it flys by and Friday night comes around when things are back to normal and she the woman i LOVE is next to me when i go to sleep on a night and when i wake each morning .

At least i have the Ellie the dog and Bobby the cat for company and will go to bed at a reasonable time hopefully will be in the land of nod and before i know it its morning , no doubt i will to get text messages from Helen at all weird hours like the old days.
I am not working Saturday we are both going down to Essex to pick the Grandfather clock up Helen won on eBay last Friday .


Ramona said...

Your posts drip with your love for Helen. It's so romantic and gives the rest of us hope. I'm sure you miss her but that just makes your time together all the sweeter - like that pear cider...

Bob said...

did think sometimes it could go like my cider = pear shaped lol but so far so good.........thank you for your kind words


 WEDNESDAY - Helen gifted me her Majohn extra fine retractable fountain pen she got the fine one delivered yesterday , a few years ago I use...