Saturday, July 01, 2023


 MONDAY - Had a quite weekend didn't even have a barbecue no meals out no long walks just sat in the garden chilling .

TUESDAY - Payday plus back pay plus 2% of your earnings on top extra for the previous years wages if I got this amount every month I be on easy street .

What do you do when you know someone is totally fcuking there life up through the use of illegal hard core drugs .When all they focus on is the need to get money to buy more shit .They might tell you its for food that they haven't eaten for three days and are passing out through lack of food , or they need it to pay for gas electric on a prepaid metre or they need it for bus fares to go for a job interview etc , etc the excuse why they need money is endless but all they need it for and will spend it on is drugs .

FRIDAY - Took the car in for its first service no issues one year old had a stone in the brake calibers which they removed also the topped up all the other fluids including screen wash .Also taxed the car for the full year so proper road legal . Looked at the new all electric Skoda at £68k I wouldn't consider it it does look nice but its a lot of money for a Skoda .

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3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...