Saturday, October 01, 2022


 FRIDAY - Last night was not too bad the better dentures feel better than I though they would it will take a few days I cant rinse mt mouth due to the gaps left by the pulled teeth form clots if I do I can stop the healing process and risk of getting infection . I can test blood I don't even feel hinged I had a cool coffee and later and some soup .

Cant really chew gad some mash and braising steal all mashed up its like being a infant again hopefully time will heal and over the next few days things will settle down .

Heard that a skull had been found on Saddleworth moor the  police and forensic teams where out digging the weather was dire with winds and torrential rain we drove past we had to we have been going to the the moors for years we was there only a few days ago we have walked where they are now digging we could se the tents and the place cars and other vans at the location they couldn't have picked a worse day we also saw news and film crews with there cameras it will be a few days if the are doing DNA tests before we know for certain if it is human remains and if so it it Keith Bennett .The photo below taken by Helen has we drove back up the hill .

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3 IN 1

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