Sunday, October 16, 2022


 MONDAY - Thinking about Christmas its always a special time of the year not sure what we are doing regarding dinner if we are eating on our own or going out the only invite we are likely to get is from my daughter .There are already mentioning a shortage of turkeys no doubt the price will go up in the next few weeks .

SATURDAY - Helen's cousin Craig came round to visit with her cousin Sharon and her auntie Doreen they stayed a few hours we all went to Compo's fish restaurant in Holmfirth .It was the first time w have been since covid hit in 2019 it had been renovated and looked more modern and stylish the chips had increased in size and the fish decreased some what but still as nice especially the Chinese curry sauce  ,

SUNDAY  - Went to the first place we ever lived together when we left the Travel Lodge in Leeds city centre .We spent our first months at McClintock House on the ninth floor which was handy for my job at the hospital and my job at  construction skills learning centre which was just over the road .It was more magical at night when it was a light up and the lights reflecting of the night black water.It has changed new restaurants have opened others have shut . When we lived there the casino was opening up and the clothes shop All Saints there was also a decent coffee shop I think there was also a Starbucks which If I remembering  rightly ,It ws also nice walking to the bridge we used to meet on and the back streets walking along the canal we need to go to the Air bar as we use to go there every dinner time when we was living apart with our other spouses .We meet on the bridge then go to the bar for food and drink .

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 SUNDAY _- Went to Nelson Court in York Helens mother had a bad fall she dislocated her shoulder fractured her arm in three places , broke h...