Tuesday, July 26, 2022


 SATURDAY - I use to love Saturdays when I was younger I would always go to Leeds city centre and buy a shirt to wear Saturday night I would buy my Marlboro cigarettes from the tobacconist that had been in the centre for Leeds forever they di don't have them in any of the vending machines in pubs and clubs till a few years later .I would also by a book or the American issue of GQ magazine before they did a UK version . Sometimes I would buy a music cassette if any of my favourite bands had a new release out I liked a varied selection of music from rock to reggae and everything in between .I would meet up with my friends at the pub and we would go to Woolworths for dinner before meeting back up later in the evening .

Saturdays are still the best day off the week but are no way as good as back in the day I wouldn't change the era I was born in compared today we had money fags and cheap booze everyone worked no one went without nobody seemed to struggle paying  bills eating out when socialising was done face to face not using FaceTime .

SUNDAY - Cleared the car out emptied the boot and the glove box and the door panels and everywhere else the car is 100% cleared ready for tomorrow only the car mats and boot mat to take out 

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 SUNDAY -  Went over to a school in Huddersfield for a Spiritual and well being event you can buy various spiritual objects tarot cards ince...