Monday, November 19, 2012

Mondays for thinking

I know my English grammar and literature are way off the mark ,I guess I should improve it .At school our learning looking back was very poor in the three R,s,yet no one every moaned or complained , in mathematics we did weeks of logarithm,s using our logarithm tables from our logarithm books 'we was assured this was what we needed in the great world beyond the school gates in the workplace bullshit ' it was false I have never had or will ever need to use this useless knowledge that we spent months of lessons on same as equations and algebra no or little point to it if A equaled X what's 1 equal to who gives a flying fcuk .

English class consisted of reading Mice and men and 'Stig of the dump , right rubbish no Shakespeare no Romeo and Juliet, in  R.E we read The Cross and the switchblade 'and Run Baby Run real life stories of the American street gangs and the Mau Maus lead by Nicky Cruz , least it was more akin to real life then algebra and logarithm,s.

English schools on council estates are no better today children are not being taught right its sad kids are brilliant when it comes to technology computers Mobil phones but simple maths spelling forget it we are behind people coming from Africa , India have a better reading and writing skills ' unless you have money and can afford private school fees or tuition then its a sad state of affairs.

Helen wants to learn to play the guitar is if she is serious then she is going to need an acoustic axe she could be Leeds answer to Mary Hopkins , well maybe not .I would like to play an synthesizer I guess just because you don't have to blow it or pluck it just finger it.

New year coming up in a few weeks times need to learn new stuff get some new hobbies I like be more artistic , getting my calligraphy pen and inks next pay day and book have started reading more thanks to my Nexus might do more photography and learn photo suite seriously and buy a mountain bike lose a few pounds that's in weight not money.

I wonder how many people will forever change their lives in the new year my daughter did she packed it all in and with only £800 went to Australia half of it is saying enough is enough I want change the rest is having the bottle to do it.

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