Wednesday, August 01, 2012

well its morning i was up to take Helen to work went to the supermarket again this morning to get stuff which was not on the list last night cat litter ,pigs ears for our dog pip if i can get any and salad cream for Helen i hate salads and hate salad cream what one is like with the other i wouldn't even contemplate.
Helen told me this morning when i had been up all of five minutes that we are having her son round to eat tonight my reply was , i rather have a lasagne instead this witty repartee went straight over her head she stared at me shook her head and called me weird on the podium yet again and another Olympic gold medal for me team B.O.B.

Was listening to a girl band on the car radio this morning i used shazam it to find out what the DJ was playing and it came back with "Stooshe" and the song title Black Heart , i you tubed it when i got back home and the tune and lyrics is now stuck in my head i will be singing it all day.

well its mid week all down hill to the week end Helen wants a top from Super dry and i need some cheap jeans still as long as they are faded and not dark blue i don't really mind if they are not branded might even go to the charity shops or look on eBay , bought a £3.00 mens bracelet Friday hopefully it will come today or tomorrow.

Reading Jo Nesbo's "The Leopard" i have already read "The Headhunters" and watched the movie hopefully this will be as good i have read the first chapter and its got me hooked . I have read that Fifty shades of Grey as out sold Harry potter books sex still sells and thats not counting for all the high street outlets or that have been down loaded wonder how E.L,James bank account is looking bet its a lot better then the sex she is getting , Her next book is called fifty shades of shit about a gay guy who as fifty boyfriends in fifty weeks ,cant beat a good book.

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