Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The shop was in a inside market it measured eight foot square it closed half day Wednesday and does not open Sunday , starting time is nine o clock and closing time is five o clock and its totally not suitable the rent is fifty pounds a week plus VAT so its more like sixty pounds , plus it would be around twenty five pounds a week in added diesel costs so its a BIG NO , also it was not that busy the other traders included a man selling dvds who buys dvds its either down load them from I-tunes or rent and rip , another vendor was selling books these days its all mobi and e-books i know a few die hard fans love paper backs but also lot like buying new books to keep pristine and put on a book case.

Another stall holder baked birthday and wedding cakes there was also a mobile phone shop , a pet stall and a cafe in the corner it was dead quite i think Helen would struggle to get any customers and i think we would have trouble even covering the running costs also you are not visible to passing trade people need to walk in and down the escalator.

Anyway we have made a decision we are putting our house on the market we should make around £45k profit not as much as we like but we are looking at renting a business premises and to run it as a cafe doing the usual panini , wraps coffees and teas and deserts and anything else which sells.

surfing :- These sites photos tattoos and stuff.

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