Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Helen bought a new toaster last night i have made a promise to her as soon as i can i will buy us a house to put it in. I love her and i want us to buy a house to get a mortgage and decorate and furnish a HOME TOGETHER the way we want it.
I have never wanted anything as much or as bad as i want a new home with Helen , i want us to get back on the property ladder and make a new start i honestly would not ask God for anything else if he granted me this wish , maybe only that we live happy ever after which i know we would and will.

It would make everything worth the struggle that we have both endured over the last year and it would be light at the end of the tunnel , and i know it would be heaven, coming home each night to the woman i love in our house.
For then i would know my life would be complete and finally whole , i wouldn't ask , want or long for anything else as long as i lived .
I want to sell my house get the cash from it as quick as it is possible and without any doubt i would invest it all, every single penny if i have to in to buying our next home and furnishing it how we want it to secure our future.
I will make it happen and i do believe it will happen , i will get my old home sold eventually its going through in slow motion at the moment but it will speed up and we will move on to new beginning's in a new house in a new area in a new village in a new home.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Finally go the brakes sorted out on the Landrover they no longer squeak the garage have had to fit new pads fitted even though the old ones had plenty of life in them .Also got the petrol cap working again it now locks and opens like it should.


Went to my solicitors and paid £500 in fee's for work undertaking on my divorce ouch.

Helen went to River Island and bought a long grey cardigan.

Finished work at one o clock picked Helen up drove over to the Whiterose Shopping Centre to take a cardigan back that she bought from River Island in Leeds yesterday they didn't have the size in stock to replace it . I bought the new James Patterson novel from WHSmith.

We picked my son up Guy from Swillington he is staying over tonight ,we headed for A64 to York,we didn't use the park and ride this time it was let afternoon so we parked up in York city centre close to the river , someone handed me their parking ticket as they where leaving so it cost us nothing.Bought stuff from Next ,We bought Guy a Carbrini black jacket and matching black tracksuit bottoms and a white Nike t-shirt.Went to GBK for tea all of us had burgers and coke's .

We arrived back at Leeds just after half past eight the three of us then took Ellie down to the Canal for a walk we visited the Railway pub we sat outside whilst we had a drink .

Worked until one o clock at two o clock we was on the M62 heading for Blackpool pleasure beach

it was surprising i didn't get lost the last time i was in Blackpool Guy was being pushed round the Pleasure Beach in his pram .Helen and me decided to go on the Big One i talked her in to it got to admit she was brave , we had to buy a book of twenty tickets we needed sixteen tickets for the Pepsi Max Big One we have both been on it before years ago got to admit the ride up to the first drop is quite a climb and once you get to the point of no return and when you do go over the edge you do realise at that point your mortality is in the hands of the Gods and the maintenance staff of BPB, two and a half minutes later its all over and we walk away safe it would have been nice to take a few photos if i could have got both hands of the handrail that i was gripping and Helen had her eyes open.

Guy wanted to sleep over again and to miss out Mondays School we really do love having him to stay and he gets on great with Helen , but i said no i wouldn't let him so i dropped him off at home back at Swillington , i think he was pissed of at me but it is his last year in school and he needs to put in the effort and do well.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Helen got up at 7-30 this morning to take our westie Ellie for her coat washing and cutting clipping and triming for the first time.She was well behaved and no trouble she came back looking like a new dog and generally seemed pleased with herself.The picture above is before the picture below after the visit to the Bath tub the name of the dog parlour that she went for the transformation which just cost twenty pounds.

I would like to see her bath our trim our cat think she want more than twenty pound that wouldn't cover the cost of the plasters.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Washed and cleaned and vacuumed out the car watched The Haunting on DVD and did nothing else.
we had roasted veggies for tea with new potatoes both boiled and roasted and lamb chops all covered and roasted in the oven with extra virgin Olivie oil cooked and prepared by Helen ate it watching The Family and River Cottage on TV.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Finished work at one o clock, went home got showered after a quick coffee .

Helen and me decided to take Ellie out so we drove over to Ilkley.I parked up in the town centre and passed a shop that looked like they might sell sugars tongs which they did so we now have tongs lol.We walked up to the moor via White Wells road i think we should have drove up and parked , we sat down and ate the food that we had just bought from Gregg's.

There was a brass band playing in the bandstand near to where we had parked with a singer as well as the instruments playing.

The plan was to then drop our westie of and go for Sunday lunch to the Stanfield Arms which we did , it was only 5.45 pm when we got there only to be told no room at the inn,so i had a bottle of pear cider and Helen had her lager and lime and talked about where to go to eat decided on visiting the White Swan at Aberford again if they was full then we would back track to the Roundhay Fox .

We did have a forty minute wait once we got to the White swan but we eventually got feed we both order six lamb chops with all the trimmings including Yorkshire puddings we didn't both with desert just for a change.


Went back home at dinner time to pick Helen up and drop her off for her physio appointment at the hospital at one o clock. She looked stunning i wish i could take the rest of the afternoon off the rest of the day the rest of my life and be with her , she just does something too me and I LOVE HER for it, Bloody work always gets in the way of living our lives.wish i had hours with Helen and minutes working but at this moment it is the other way round, one day it wont be and we will be together more time than were apart .

Watched the first episode of "The Family" on ITV catch up on the computer on Saturday night, i asked Helen if ITV wanted to do a documentary on couples who have left there unhappy marriages and are now making a new life together.

Would she be up for us to be filmed, so viewers nation wide could see how we get on living life day to day, plus obviously family and friends would see everything going on in our life's and just how much we are in love.

Helen said no, i have to admit i said yes but only if it was stupid money that was being paid to us, which would be enough for us to to buy a house together outright to be mortgage or rent free would be a great blessing.
Picked Helen up from physio at 2 0' clock i took her home she is to go again next week and they will get her knee back to how it should be , hopefully without the need for an operation.They have told her to ride her bicycle more we might go to the canal more and do some cycling hopefully the weather will let us , would really love it if we had a Indian summer that carried on through to Christmas .

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Finished work at three o clock it was a glorious afternoon the sun was out and it was hot.

We went to the opticians to pick up Helen's new glasses both pairs where ready for collection she did look cute and both pairs suited her there is something sexy about women that wear glasses especially when they have blonde hair.

We decided to go back over to Ripley Castle which is the other side of Harrogate.Went for a walk into the woods following a old Roman road there was wedding reception taking place in the grounds of the castle the couple we think got married in the church a sit was all decorated inside on the end of the pews with fresh flower arrangements .Stopped of at the ice cream parlour and bought some Ripley home made ice cream which was not that bad had a peanut and vanilla flavour dipped in chocolate that set solid from the coldness of the ice cream with a Cadbury,s flake yum yum .

Friday, September 19, 2008

Nearly said sod it this morning looked over at Helen and thought about phoning in sick, and spending the day with her instead of going to work .Trouble is i could do that every day i wake and see her lying their next to me.Anyway instead i reset the alarm on my mobile and went in an hour late.

Went in to town at lunch to buy a pair of sugar tongs and a tea bag squeezer .No where had the sugar tongs for sale but they are selling quite a few on eBay so i will buy a pair of there.Got the tea bag squeezer .

Need to buy some snickers and mars bars to snack on as there is never enough chocolate in the house we will have to watch the calories we might get a taste for them Helen likes them in the fridge and prefers them cold and hard to bite i like them just as they are about to melt yum yum .

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Got up later then usual i made Helen a cup of tea and i had a coffee with her in the kitchen before i left for the day.She had a funeral to attend a sobering thought that the clock is ticking for us all.

I guess it makes us ask the question of how we are living our life's and do we truly love the person we are with are we truly happy with what we have to do to survive even when the going gets tough.

I can honestly say i do some times regret the hours that i work and it is hard and it is tiring but i do it so i can be with a certain person. To live a life that i want to live, hand on heart i will continue to do so for as long as it takes so eventually the ultimate aim that we can get a house together, and get another mortgage and buy a house that we can call home decorate it and do to it what ever we wish .
Picked Helen up just after nine from her old home, she has been looking after her son every night this week as her ex had been starting his night shift earlier than usual.
Watched Katie and Peter's next chapter then Billie Piper in secrets of a call girl needless to say it set the mood for the night and this morning.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Helen does need glasses she has had to order two pairs that will be made and ready in 7 to 10 days.Hopefully this will sort out her headache problem and will save her taking any more pain killers.

Helen came home with three pewter beer tankards and a flowered jug and bowl which she had bought from St,Gemma's hospice.The tankards where a bargain at only 80p each.

wish list
1.Sun bed preferably a Phillips
2.Coffee machine to smell the house out with the aroma of fresh coffee grounds
3.Digital TV for the kitchen with built in DVD and free view
4.Laptop with wireless connection for use in kitchen
5.video recorder for recording from TV and watching all videos we have laying about.
6.I-phone when contract comes up for renewal
7.Bookcase for the living room alcove
8.A great Christmas and new year
9.Games console for when Helen is out new Tombraider game out soon too.
10.Rocking horse because they are magical and make a great focus point.
At the moment looking at bidding on a sun bed via eBay and if we win it will mean another trip down south to pick it up and its a bit further than the clock that we bought in Essex.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Had a late night we was up until one in the morning we had tea/ supper at around midnight when we got back from shopping at Asda.

A bad move having Indian curry and poppadoms and bahjees that late at night .

Got up at 6.45am and set off for work i got there at half past seven , went to Tesco express for a breakfast Danish the need food and a coffee as soon as i get to work is a must as i fire up my PC, so i can open my emails and read both work and personnel ones plus check out some blogs i regular read.

Paid council tax i made two payments of thirty pounds each on the old apartment we vacated in March this year which will not need paying again until this coming December, and one payment of £95 on the house that we are living in at the moment. car finance comes out today that's £160

gas and electric bill is only £161 due to the fact i have already made some interim payments on this account so i am happy its no more .i also have to pay my 02 bill of £36.At least got a extra sixty quid due to the tax changes from April

Need a new toaster it has to be cream to match the whistling kettle Helen bought and it has to do four slices we also thinking about getting a coffee percolator Helen hates the taste of coffee but loves the smell she is a strictly tea drinker and uses two tea bags each cup .

Helen has been getting headaches recently over a period of time she as been getting bad migraines, so today she is going to go get her eyes tested to see if she needs any glasses for everyday use or reading , she does look sexy in glasses and for some reason it turns me on, i have told her already to text me a photo if she does try any on. You dont always need glasses to see clearly, its crystal clear hope you are always in my life, love you baby.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Finished work at one ended up going over to Fairburn then to the canal at Woodlesford their was a few narrow boats moored up.Went over to Flockton to see Sharon and Steve visited them for a few hours on the way home got a Chinese roast duck in plum sauce with onion rings and chips
Crap day it was boring to much work to do a good friend that i work with has problems with his partner think she is moving out at his request,but she is still there when he phoned her this afternoon drinking too much of his southern comfort,hopefully it will be sorted out when he goes home tonight ,

I got loads of emails of Helen today at work she sent us through yahoo a You Tube Snow Patrol "you could be happy" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzn8UjhxM-M i sent her this link when we first started seeing each other, it is still is my favorite song by Snowpatrol and it still holds a very special meaning for me and for Helen.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Helen did talk in her sleep and she did wake me up and it was bliss been after four nights of it being too quite.

Got up feed all the animals the dog ,cat and rabbit and set of to pick the clock up from Essex.I had borrowed a Tom Tom sat nav of a good Friend Mick and had entered the postcode of our destination.

Filled the car up to the max at the first petrol station closest to home in Leeds and headed in the direction the tom tom was telling me.
At round ten o clock stopped off at a Little Chef for breakfast £30.00 at least it was cooked nice and was filling got to our destination without incident just before midday,the clock looked as good has it had in the eBay listing and after putting the seats down it went in OK,Helen had to sit in the rear seats on the way home re programed the sat nav to take us home back to Leeds we arrived home just after four o clock with out any incidents and with out calling in at Dick Turpin's truck stop aka Little Chef.Positioned the clock in the living room did want it in the hall way but the carpeting and floorboards where too sloping anyway its a good bye and we like it.

Picked my son Guy up from my old house, as he wanted to stay over just for the one night.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Feel elated that Helen will be spending nights back at our home and house four nights missing her is enough.
I do hope this does not happen again.It's awkward phoning her text-ing her etc when she is in the company of her EX - Husband at her old home and house.
I do accept the fact that she does what she as to do at times when she has no or little choice in the matter ,but it doesn't mean that it hurts any the less when she as to go there.

As long has she is under no threat and returns safely then i have no option but to grin and bear it, what else can i do i couldn't or wouldn't say to her no you cant go. At the end of the day what she goes back to is all what she walked away from to be with me.

The few times i have returned to my house i feel absolute nothing "ITS JUST BRICKS AND MORTAR" i don't miss what i used to have , i did have a very nice house but the last few years it never felt like home. My home, life and future is with Helen and one day we will be in a position to buy our own house, that will be a day to write about , we have made lots of head way all in under nine months and things have moved on a great deal all things have change and will continue to change.

over the last year there is one major discovery i have made that i have never loved or cared for anyone the way i do for Helen and that's the truth. I could never leave her, stop loving her or wanting her near me , she is my world and i hope my world never stops revolving.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A sad day today the anniversary of 9/11, it still makes me grief for the waste of life. All of the loved ones that never made it home, for everyone that went to work that morning unaware of the events that would take place .... for all the people that left home that morning without the chance of telling the partners , wife's and husbands uttering the words "i love you" as they kissed them goodbye......... because they slept on as they left for work , never guessing that so many that day would not be going home ,that night...for all of you, may your God bless you

Helen as been wanting a EMF metre, i didn't know that but she as been wanting for ages until she mentioned yesterday i had no idea ,didn't even know what one was , will have to get her one off eBay when i get paid on the 16th.

EMF meters are one of the most popular bits of equipment used in paranormal research particularly ghost vigils. Some people even regard them as ghost detectors The Electromagnetic Field Detector, also known as an EMF meter, is the ghost hunters tracking device. Using this instrument, it is possible to locate and track energy sources.
Point is they are suppose to work, i don't understand why Helen needs one she clears See's when someone is there anyway but needs must be fun going out to different locations and see what we we can pick up .

New i-pod nano out not sure if i am that bothered might eventually get a i-phone when my contract is up for renewal , i do want the new Snowpatrol album asp and the oasis's new album too.

Ordered Kebab meat and fries from the staff canteen for dinner its the only thing i like,no sweet chili damn it might have to nip out on the QT and get some... and i have been good recently not as i have not been having lunch for obvious reasons, but today i will pig out, it is a pity that i cant have a ice cold pear cider to accompany it never mind.

I still have some in the fridge for when i get home tonight, which i will drink after i have dropped Helen of at her old house for the last time . And hopefully banana cake with double cream does life get any better than this tell you when i have checked my lottery numbers lol.

Two items came through he post from Helen's eBay purchases this morning, a wicker basket for our Dog Ellie to sleep in on a night which goes at the top of the cellar steps in the corner she picked that spot herself , purchase number two a comfy fleece cat bed that suspends over the radiator for Bobby the cat know which i would rather have

After tonight the bed pictured above should be fully occupied once again four nights too many, no more me doing my expression's of a pissed off starfish i will have to stop hogging the duvet but yippee she can talk and snore as much as she likes i don't care will sleep when I'm dead.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

woke up alone again don't like it one bit the bed is way too big and quite without Helen bedside me.
Finished work at twelve today so i could go home to pick Helen at our house, i had to take her to occupational health department at St,Jame's Hospital she had an appoinemt at half one due to her sickness record (all legit) , so at least i got to spend the afternoon with her.

Still had to go to my evening job working until half past eight when i finished there i saw Helen at our house before i dropped her of at her old house thjis was just after 9-15 pm , gave her the taxi fare home for the morning.
After tonight THERE WILL only BE one more night OFF sleeping alone, i think tomorrow will drag all day,just know it, and no doubt it will be raining and grey all day.... i just know it ...any way it will be sunny inside of me knowing its the last fcuking night yippee.

I went to Asda bought some essentials like pear cider three bottles for four pounds , bought the the ingredients for a banana cake that Helen is going to bake me or i will smack her arse, she will she told me what to buy, bought some salad i hate the stuff, some lamb chops, lamb mince, and steak mince .Got home our Westie Ellie was looking sad she too misses Helen , Bobby the cat was quite not like her so i gave her some cat treats , i checked my emails made a frothy coffee with whipped cream and went to bed.

Sent Helen a text saying i was going round to kiss her night night but i was already tucked up in bed and just joking with her hehe.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Finished work last night got home I saw Helen for around half an hour before i had to drop her off to look after her son.

She had cooked me roasted chicken thighs with roasted sweet potatoes,butter squash,mushrooms,onions,carrots and parsnips which i ate after i got back home washed down with a bottle of pear cider.Feed the cat the dog and the fished took the bin out back for emptying.Dried some clothes loaded the dishwasher did some surfing on the Internet went to bed.

Had the cat in the bedroom for half an hour then went to sleep one night done three to go will see Helen again tonight after i finish work for half an hour before i drop her off again to look after her son at least it will be half way there,with two nights to go.

Today work went really fast i was extremely busy which helped i also got a call off Helen at nine fifteen this morning saying she was fine and out of her old house, she was eventually heading back home once she had been to Gregg's for something to eat with her cousin Sharon.

She also text me to say she was cooking a home made lasagne with garlic mushrooms garlic bread and onion rings for tea tonight will have to get another bottle of pears cider or two.

I start my hospital job at 4.30 p.m this evening, and it will be 8-30 ish when i get home to see Helen i do hope i sleep constantly all the way through tonight , its unlikely as i wake up odd hours when Helen is in bed with me... it would be nice to wake up just as my alarm was about to go off.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Tonight and the next few nights four in total Helen is sleeping at her old house and home to look after her youngest son, whilst her husband works nights. He is only 12 years old, Helen's older son has gone fishing for the week with his Grandad, so no one is going to be there to supervise him.
i will hate her being away but i understand and as hard as it is i will get by its a case of having to, i will miss her and it will hurt but i get to see her still before she leaves at nine o clock each night and she will spend the rest of the day at our house, and i am taking her for her occupational health appointment Wednesday afternoon.

I just wish i could take the week of sick and just mope around the house looking at our photos watching DVDs we have watched together and reading old emails and text messages, walking by the canal and just not doing anything resembling work , i hope it flys by and Friday night comes around when things are back to normal and she the woman i LOVE is next to me when i go to sleep on a night and when i wake each morning .

At least i have the Ellie the dog and Bobby the cat for company and will go to bed at a reasonable time hopefully will be in the land of nod and before i know it its morning , no doubt i will to get text messages from Helen at all weird hours like the old days.
I am not working Saturday we are both going down to Essex to pick the Grandfather clock up Helen won on eBay last Friday .

Sunday, September 07, 2008

went to work finished at three o clock went over to Crofton both of us had our haircut Helen had hers coloured , got to say she looks very beautiful.Her brothers partner is a hairdresser she cut ours at her home.Drove over to Flockton went to the pub George and the Dragon to meet up with Sharon and Steve just had two half's of cider and, lager and lime for Helen then went home .The weather was really bad with torrential heavy rain all the way home .Got fish and chips for our tea/supper from Bramley

worked until two o clock then went over to Sheffield to visit Meadow Hall to enter the one million pound draw did a few entries and posted them in different collection points throughout the store.
Had jacket spud Helen had tuna and cheese, and i had chili and cheese from the oasis food court lower level , i went back for more chili putting on my spud ,there hardly any on as i discovered when i sat down and started to eat it, tuck in would have been the wrong word there was not enough to tuck in to. Which they agreed and put more chili and more cheese on .Will get a text or a email before this coming Friday telling us whether or not we have been picked to be one of the lucky seven entered into the million pound draw which the final draw will be this Saturday at Meadow Hall.Got to be in it to win it would sort us out for the rest of our life's buy us our cottage in the country side which is on the top of our wish list, and to be mortgage or rent free would be a big blessing.Least we made the effort of going down and trying there was loads of people not bothering and its got to be alot better odds then trying to win the lottery.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Left the house this morning at seven and it was raining again just for a change getting feed up with all this wet grey weather.

We have been watching Grandfather clocks on eBay over the last few weeks and we came across this one. It had a seven day listing and we have monitored it and watched it from day one.
There was only one bid on it until about a hour and a half to the end of the listing , then bidder number two came in and was the current wining bid that was until bidder one bid again and was again the highest bid .
Helen came in at around 30 seconds to go and put her highest bid in she was ruthless and blew the other two out of the water and gave them no chance of winning. Helen got the clock us for only £73.00.

We do have to collect the clock in person and that will mean going down to Essex for it. A 450 mile round trip , hopefully we can get down for it either next Saturday or Sunday maybe next weekend at the latest. They will be the added cost of fuel but even so i still reckon its a good buy and we are both extremely happy and please with our win.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Yesterday afternoon i took Helen for her appointment at the Hospital she was given another knee brace, and another sick note for a fortnight , her old sick note runs out after this weekend . The new one gives he an extra week on sick. She also needs to make an appointment to attend physiotherapy, it could potentially take up to three months to get her knee back in shape.

Went to Asda bought some Aubergine, Sweet Potatoes, Butter Squash, Onions and Mushrooms as we are going to have roasted veg for tea one night this week.

Helen made a homemade pear and strawberry flan its nice with cream and nearly as good as her banana cake.

whilst at Asda we also stocked up on dog and cat food and treats for the both of them, they are still living apart for the time being, and the cat is behaving very well and is little or no trouble.
Emailed work to sort out this weekend i am down to do both days Saturday and Sunday until three o clock .
Took Helen over to Crofton for her psychic class dropped her off at ten past seven , so i had three and a half hours to kill, .it's a long time to have to waste. Went to Pugney park read some of the novel by John Twelve Hawks "Dark Water" until it got to dark .Went to Asda again bought a mini packet of poppadom's, tried to get a hours sleep in Asda's car park didn't happen.So went to the pub for half a cider eventually it was time to pick Helen back up. We headed for the M1 only to find the Police, had it cornered off with flashing lights and patrol cars, nothing allowed access. So we had to go home via Horbury and Ossett which took twice as long.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Put the bed up last night .Its well made and should never move apart its well supported with extra legs and everything is metal no wooden slates to creak and crack.The kettle takes a while to boil and as nice whistle once it does boil.
I Have booked yesterday afternoon off work i am taking Helen to Hospital to the knee clinic for her appointment to access what is the damage done to her knee when she fell.

Finished work at four went home picked Helen, up and went to her parents house.Showed them the photos from our Liverpool trip.
Went home to do some tidying up my sister's Irene and Anne was calling round to do the Ouija board first time they had used it to speak to the spirit world.

Got some answers to questions that i didn't even know the answers to . and only my eldest sister knew i could tell by her expression she was surprised when the board spelt out its answers, to questions that Helen definitely wouldn't have known the answers to, family names, dates, and events .Both of my sisters where impressed its nice to know that they both believe Helen is genuine .

The three questions i remembered clearly without any doubt which the board answered correctly are posted here :-

1.What was my Fathers nickname for my Mother, the answer the board spelt out was Doodles which was correct, Helen did not know this.

2.Paul my cousins had middle name which i did not know the answer to , i didn't know he even had a middle name . The board spelt out Howard which was correct Helen had know way of knowing this.

3.The name of the pigeon my sister rescued, kept in the cellar and nursed back to health the board spelt out Albert this was also correct, again Helen had know way of knowing this answer.

Monday, September 01, 2008

These photos where took inside the Exhibition
of original blown up photos of John and George. Helen is at the side of John.

This morning the kettle came that Helen had
bought of eBay the week before last its cream coloured and its old fashioned and whistles when it boils wonder how long we will use the whistle.

My mother used to use similar kettles on the gas ring at home back in the sixty's and seventy's.

Also the new metal wrought iron bed was delivered by Argos which i shall put up as soon as i get home for obvious reasons. This is also old fashion in design.I
ts nice to know that in a modern world that is run and ruled by technology ,computers, games consoles, i-pod's and mobile phones that some things last the test of time, and there is a place for things that are not ultra modern in design and that came from a different era and style period just like the Beatles and there music i guess a point of further proof.

I went into town at dinner time spent over twenty quid on feet products from Boot's . I purchased 2 x Scholl cracked heel repair creams buy one get the other half price , a new pair of Scholl toe nail scissors nearly ten pounds and scalpel type knife for the removal of hard skin and a packet of extra blades for around eight pounds .

Also called in to Zavvi formerly Virgin's and bought a hard back book that is a photo illustrated biography of John Lennon's Life.
Had a chicken pastie and a almond danish from Ainsley's for dinner and just got back to work before the heavens opened .
Finishing work at four o clock every night this week, i am on holiday all week from my hospital job.
Went over to Methley to see her Helen's Brothers new house it was also his wife's Karen's birthday Helen bought a card and a indoor plant on route at a late night opening Marks and Spencer's.
My son Guy stayed with us Friday night.We picked him up with Helen just after half past nine Friday night.He likes staying over, although i was working Saturday he still wanted to stay.
We dropped him off home after we had taken him to Asda ,they have a coin changing machine, which counts you money, coppers and silver and give you a voucher for the final amount. you than take to any till and get the amount back in notes, he had over £25.00 .

After dropping Guy off home Helen and I went to Lawnswood crematorium, to visit and say prays for my Mother Ethel (Micky) and Father Ted , my uncle Jack and my cousin Paul.

After leaving there we stopped at a near by Co-op and bought a loaf of bread a couple of sandwiches, two bottles of pop and two chocolate eclairs. We had decided to go for picnic and feed the ducks at Golden Acre Park.
On the way back Helen wanted to see where my mother used to live . So we went the short distance over to Harehills to the street i grew up on and my mums old house where she lived until she died well over fifty years , i took Helen to visit jean my mothers best friend who had lived in the same street has my mum for fifty years as well and has known me all my life.

She said my mother knew i wasn't happy in my marriage and Jean was genuinely happy i was with Helen.


Drove over to Liverpool to visit the Albert Docks, took with us the obligatory egg mayonnaise sandwiches and the tea and coffee flask's no day trip is complete without them.

We got there just after mid day and first place we went to was the Beatles Exhibition and tour of their work music and life it was over priced i thought but we did both enjoy it and is a must for any Beatle fans .

It took about an hour and half to complete we could have made it last longer but we had seen enough.

This lead us out in to Starbucks and it has been a while since i have had a white chocolate mocha got Helen a tea which is the first time i have been in to a Starbucks and ordered a tea .

We also visited the Maritime Museum which is free entry and the Slavery Museum which was also free. Did a complete circuit of Albert Docks then drove home back to Leeds.

Got back just after six o clock we was both ready for a drink i felt the need for a nice cold pint of cider so we went to the Stansfield Arms whilst we was drinking our drinks we decided to order Sunday lunch.

We had a half a hours wait before we got a table we finally got seated and both of us had lamb shank with Yorkshire pudding mash and potatoes, i had mine with hand cut chips Helen had vegetables.

Followed by treacle sponge and custard for Helen i had white chocolate and blueberry cheese cake FOR £9.95 each on there early bird deal.

3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...