Saturday, November 18, 2023


 WEDNESDAY - Still feeling blocked up head ache and hot sweats sleeping is still intermittent I am always waking up every couple of hours its either the cats or dogs that wake me plus Helen's snoring so I am in constant zombie mode .Hopefully in the next couple of days I will be back to my normal routine .

Half way through November already two more paydays till Christmas very scary it always creeps up on us every year we get caught out always seems to early in October to think about Christmas but guess its not with the price of things end of summer would be more appropriate .

I have no idea what Helen wants apart from the usual of perfume and jewellery I might get her  android watch to go with her Samsung phone .

THURSDAY - Feel worse than yesterday all I want to do is sleep or cat nap i am tired for most of the day so I did nothing but watch You Tube and started reading a new book did the first chapter its very gripping it a Chris Carter novel called "The Caller" , so far brilliant .

FRIDAY - Had to go out get some coffee and a few other essential items like butter , milk chocolate digestives and a big bottle of cola the cheap stuff was mixing it with some bourbon that  I had left from last Christmas and we all know whiskey doesn't go off there was not a lot left just below the label but it was enough.

  WATCHING - The Rise Of The Foot Solider "Vengeance " was ok not the best one ever.

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3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...