Wednesday, November 29, 2023


 MONDAY - Cooked a full English breakfast its been a week or so since we have had one was very tasty tried some new mini potato waffles was ok. Tonight I am going to be cooking to massive steaks , mashed pots and broccoli with a nice rich beef gravy .Went to Fox Valley outlet Helen wanted to buy a camping table from Go Outdoors  for her card readings etc only £16 .

TUESDAY - Took the dogs to the tops of the moors the sun was rising it was quite warm and sunny hence the decision to go across the tops this morning its a good couple of hours walking last time I walked this route was the last weeks of summer .

Booked a three course Christmas dinner at a pub its on a Saturday night I am having chicken liver pate to start then the traditional turkey Christmas dinner and desert a mascarpone cheese cake all in for £25 which cheap enough .

The prelit Christmas tree is not lighting up it was fine the day before guessing some four legged fur ball  has chewed a wire cant be anything else guessing its Rosie aka Monki.

WEDNESDAY - The morning frost it back with a vengeance the roofs and car windows are all whitened out there is no wind so its not cold the roads don't look too  iced over and the sun is trying to put in an appearance. I need two front tyres on my Karoq  I got two front tyres on the previous Karoq and will go back to the same tyre fitting shop that I frequented the  last time this time I needed new boots it is going to cost me £160 for them fitting and balancing etc .Once done I could feel the difference when i was driving home cant take chances need extra grip in the winter months . 

Sunday, November 26, 2023


 SATURDAY - No work for a full nine days bliss even if the temperature has dropped to minus one the sun is out we are putting the outside Christmas lights up hopefully it wont take too long got to get in the Christmas spirit regardless. We used the clips on the soffit and gutters from previous years ten minutes it was done another twenty mins to do the railings fir tree and the walking sticks it is looking good .

Bought some some mince pies and some stollen and Christmas cake with marzipan and icing  .Helen bought a wreath for the front door and some more lights she also bought two small Christmas trees for both our bedside drawers .I don't advocate anyone getting in to debt for Christmas and I know some wont even manage a Turkey dinner .Through out the world  there are people worse off specially  in Europe and the Middle East on all sides for them Christmas will be surviving the onslaught hopefully peace comes quickly for all those fighting wars .

All the farmers tractors descended to the village for a Christmas procession it occurs every year we always manage to see it this year we was extremely lucky  we witnessed most of the decorated festive tractors loads of people where in the village centre to see it ,

SUNDAY - Dropped Helen of were she is working for the day until late afternoon  . I went food shopping bought loads of fresh chicken drumsticks ,a couple of very large best  steaks , some frozen white fish and beef  mince meat as well has hash browns , waffles , mini waffles and skin on fries i also bought some Irish cider and a bottle of cola and coffee and brown sugar as well as liquid soap fabric conditioner and dishwashes tablets and double roll toilet paper 

Wednesday, November 22, 2023


 MONDAY - After a week off I am back at work tonight .Took the dogs Rosie and Bailey out for their morning walk on getting home I had a Facebook notification memories I had done the exact same walk a year ago to the day how weird is that now convinced I am in a parallel universe or even  the Matrix .

TUESDAY - Found out my son has ben jailed for not doing his community service order for his drink driving conviction he was fined and ordered to complete 100+ hours community and the dick he is has not completed one hour of the order so he ended being jailed for eight weeks , no sympathy his fault rock on .

WEDNESDAY - Woke up a freeman once again I can do what ever I want today .I took the dogs out it was cold and rain was in the air but  I didn't care I saw the reservoir and forest and sheep and ducks .Once home I used my Sage coffee machine to make a perfect cup of coffee and cooked a bacon and egg sandwich later we are going out to get some freshly baked pork pies for tea we will pass fields and meadows and the boating club it be dark and grey cold and wet but who cares I am free .I might play another hour on the X-box Red Dead Redemption 2 , or I might listen to some music , go on my laptop or phone a friend I can do what ever I want because I am my own boss as long as I don't break any laws I am free. Tonight after finishing work I will drive home and shower and get in to a nice comfy bed listen to a podcast see my partner dogs and cats if I need to get up during the night the door wont be locked I can go and make a coffee put the TV on or read a magazine , Might get a nice portion of fish and chips go for a pint have a cigar or order a chines to be delivered the list is endless I have choices only limited by my imagination and funds so glad I am not in Jail .To all the prisoners who have been locked up and are totally innocent what a injustice I feel sorry for every day you are jailed ,  for those locked up because they are guilty of any crime,  then all I say is  if you cant do the time don't do the crime .

Saturday, November 18, 2023


 WEDNESDAY - Still feeling blocked up head ache and hot sweats sleeping is still intermittent I am always waking up every couple of hours its either the cats or dogs that wake me plus Helen's snoring so I am in constant zombie mode .Hopefully in the next couple of days I will be back to my normal routine .

Half way through November already two more paydays till Christmas very scary it always creeps up on us every year we get caught out always seems to early in October to think about Christmas but guess its not with the price of things end of summer would be more appropriate .

I have no idea what Helen wants apart from the usual of perfume and jewellery I might get her  android watch to go with her Samsung phone .

THURSDAY - Feel worse than yesterday all I want to do is sleep or cat nap i am tired for most of the day so I did nothing but watch You Tube and started reading a new book did the first chapter its very gripping it a Chris Carter novel called "The Caller" , so far brilliant .

FRIDAY - Had to go out get some coffee and a few other essential items like butter , milk chocolate digestives and a big bottle of cola the cheap stuff was mixing it with some bourbon that  I had left from last Christmas and we all know whiskey doesn't go off there was not a lot left just below the label but it was enough.

  WATCHING - The Rise Of The Foot Solider "Vengeance " was ok not the best one ever.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023


 SUNDAY - Went to Cawthorne antiques Helen bought a musical tin some butter pats and a old Victorian shuttle use don the looms .On the way home we went to Cellar 41 at Thurgoland and bought some fresh veg swede , carrots , potatoes and cabbage .We bought a joint of pork from Tesco in Penistone I made two large home made Yorkshire puddings for our Sunday .

MONDAY - Had a lousy nights sleep waking up way too warm , chest tight and a throbbing headache and as a result I had trouble getting back to sleep I  finally got out of bed my head was spinning I was still felling hot and was starting to cough I felt bad enough to ring in sick at work I rang in early enough so they had time to cover my shift only to be told to phone back later in the afternoon just in case I felt better no pressure then if I am ill now I wont be any better a few hours later but i play ball if thats whats required .All i fancy to eat is porridge and honey and a hot coffee .

Sunday, November 12, 2023


 THURSDAY - Helen has been busy the last two days and nights doing readings she has more to do over the next few days .Not heard anything from my son I have no way of contacting him so unless he reaches out to either his sister or me we have no idea what he is doing and where he is doing it .The weather is getting colder snow is predicted in the coming few weeks.

SATURDAY - Went to Wentworth garden centre they had the Christmas decorations we visit almost each previous year it does not seem as good as years gone buy .Helen bought a throw for the sofa and a Rise & Shine cup with chicken's which for a cup is quite expensive .

After leaving the garden centre we went to Fox Valley we called in to a few shops to buy wash gel and conditioner i needed coffee we also got gingerbread scented candles in glass jars Helen also bought another two cups .For these two cups was a quarter of the price for the one posted above but you cant put them in the dishwasher or microwave , and seeing has Helen nukes every cup of tea she drinks means a lot of tea is going to be poured down the sink.


On the way home we stopped of to get some fish and chips to eat at home freshly fried fish with scraps a good way to finish of the trip out .

LISTENING TO - Rotten Mango podcast excellent .

WATCHING - The Killer .

READING - The Caller by Chris Carter .

Tuesday, November 07, 2023


 SATURDAY - Went to Asda bought some new bedding and bits of food and milk apart from this trip out we did very little .I Cooked some mince beef with swede , carrots and peas with dumplings and baby new potatoes .

SUNDAY - Went over to Acaster Malbis to see Helens parents we got engaged on bonfire day years ago I remember saying if nothing else there will always be fireworks on our engagement day .And there was fire works not that many but a few, they were being set off Saturday night too .I had a joint of pork to cook but will do it tomorrow instead .

MONDAY - The joint of pork wasn't pork it was gammon which I realised when it was cooked and i was carving it oh well .

TUESDAY - I  learned that  my son is once again in hospital with cellulitis I think he has had this condition before ,and  he will be in for a few days at least he will be getting feed and resting and medication . His sister is going to visit him tonight after she has finished work.  I think he will be in for a few days hopefully until he is well as I think he has been kicked out of where he was living and once again has nowhere to live .There is answers I need to know to questions that I have .

Saturday, November 04, 2023


 THURSDAY - Booked some annual leave nearly three weeks in the months of  January , February and March  I also have time off in November and December which is fantastic for me .

Helen bought a oak coffee table to replace the white Ikea one it is lower and has storage space when you lift the lid up there is enough room to get in and hide should you so wish  .The photo is taken at the hose we bought it from our good friend Julie it cost £600 and we bought it for a 6th of that and its solid wood its slightly bigger and lower than what we had .The gas struts don't keep the lid open which is a minus apart from that its well nice .

Set up the finger print reader on my laptop so I can sign in with just a such first time I have had this option other than using my phone .

Sick of the dull dark grey foggy weather specially on the motorway driving home its really bad in parts i do slow down specially with all the massive puddles and surface water om most of the country lanes which are also with out street lighting .

Not heard anything from my son he has gone of the radar his phone is permanently  switched off  although he has recently  spoken to his sister so I am guessing all is well meaning he is not locked up in hospital .

Rosie went to the groomers for her beauty treatment she always looks so cute when I pick her up and of course she smells like a little princess .

LISTENING TO - Neck Deep and Blink 182 .

WATCHING  -  "A Haunting In Venice "

Thursday, November 02, 2023


 SATURDAY - Slow cooker filled with fresh veg onions and braising steak plus stock and red wine set a timer for six hours .

I unboxed and set the printer up filling the tanks was super easy one tank one colour all which was all coloured coordinated .Setting the wifi up was  super easy using the net work password  all devices on the same Wi-Fi  connected easily that is my  iPhone , Helens android phone , two mac books and two window laptops ,the  printer heads are aligned and test paper done , so  all is good didn't even use the Epson app .

Went to Ikea bought a corkscrew and a extendable mirror for the bathroom Helen got a new lamp and new prints and frames .After shopping We had meatballs , hot dogs chips and coke spot on.

SUNDAY - The clocks went back never noticed didn't feel like I had any extra sleep had a lazy day Helen did some printing of images she down loaded of the internet .I order three usb sticks 2 x 16 gb and one 64gb if i can use the 64gb in the tv i wont order any more 16gb ones .

3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...