Thursday, May 09, 2019


Well we have both gone back to Apple after switching to Android . We went back to the O2 outlet in Trinity and we both  got a iPhone 256gb XS max . Helen opted for the gold and me the silver it is costing £120 a month for both devices .We don't spend money on drink and Helen stopped smoking last December so why not .Although it is a three year contract they should be enough in the re-sale value after two years to pay the contract of and upgrade .The only thing is they don't give you a lighting to headphone cable I remember getting this in the iPhone 7 which is the last iPhone we had at a cost of £1245 to buy its a bit mean not to .its the cost of  MacBook .
I set mine up whilst at work and got it back to how my S8 was set up got logged back into my main apps including Spotify , You tube , Facebook and  Instagram .The speakers are better and the colours displayed on the screen are excellent we are pleased we made the move back .
And so far so good no complaints. You forget all the shite you have on your phone , its nice to have a clean slate

Helen's cramps are no better I bought her some coconut water £3.49 a cartoon thought thy grew on trees she is still waiting the results from her MRI scan and as had more blood tests  , also there is a link from using E- cigarettes and leg and foot cramps  she has stopped since end of last December.

I had eggs with my full English  breakfast it is the first time ever I have cracked open an egg  with a double yolk .

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