Saturday, October 27, 2018


My work team clubbed together and bought me eight bottles of Jack Daniels cider greatly appreciated and a big bar of Galaxy chocolate nice again great appreciated will do nothing for the waist line but hey ho.

Driving over to Doncaster to pick up a pc chair Helen is buying off the Facebook Market place for £30 to put into the office it also vibrates and massages your lower back and bum which is quite intense and loud gave it it good clean and it is now on the office its a pity it does not have a heated seat  .

We had a quote from a telecom company for the phone extension and broadband going to cost us  £180 which is more than I though but less than Bt which came in at £205 it gets fitted next Thursday .

FRIDAY - Last shift of the week then I have a whole four days off , need to get breakfast food in , pizzas and pasties might get some decent steak for Saturdays night tea .

Cleaned out the fish tank and filter system it is amazing how dirty the water is when you refill it and turn the pump back on 24 hours later the water is crystal clear the fish seem happy and healthy .

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3 IN 1

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