Tuesday, September 06, 2016


Went to the doctors surgery to see about hip replacement surgery this morning first thing that i need to do is go for a x-ray to see what the damage is I have to call on Tuesday to arrange an appointment should take a couple of weeks to get the results then we take it from there.

Helen's son Liam is spending the weekend with us we need to get some food for dinner I fancy carbonara or decent stew and dumplings.We cooked carbonara with smoked ham and double cream and tagliatelle  pasta.I also bought mushroom pattie and chicken and chirizo pattie and a loaf of tiger bread .

After I let Liam cut my hair it has not been that long since i went to the barbers but I let him cut the back and sides he did it really good to say he only started training a few weeks ago ,  it is grade one which is short but years ago I did have it grade one .

Helen drove the little Fiat 500 about a mile she was nervous but made no major mistakes she needs to get use to the gears and the pedals as the say practice makes perfect .

Monday the sender of the two year old text that I only  read a couple of weeks ago phoned me ,  after I left a message with his receptionist at the company he owns  I have learned  a load of interesting facts and information about people we use to knock about with it is amazing how many have died through drinking themselves dead not good .Hopefully we will meet up in the near future hopefully over a curry .

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 SUNDAY _- Went to Nelson Court in York Helens mother had a bad fall she dislocated her shoulder fractured her arm in three places , broke h...