Friday, March 09, 2012

Spent all week going for training and everyday i asked the question why ,its been a week of going over procedures that are not really relevant to someone who has been working for the Trust for the last ten years , all off the others where new starters or have totally different roles and job descriptions to that of the supervisory job that i will be under taking.

My daughters boyfriend has been arrested and is on remand until his trial. She is unsure if she will get to see him before she jets off , she of course is extremely upset and is gutted that she will not get the chance to say farewell , i told her all she can do is to write to him tell him she will wait for him and to make sure he knows how exactly how she feels about him , i will not judge on the matter at the end of the day you cant help who you fall in love with , and as long as he treats my daughter respectfully than i am more than happy for them both , and of course its also what my daughter wants my daughter also i my opinion would decide what course to take on her own regardless of anyone one else trying to make her change he views or to give advise.
Its funny to think a few decades ago her boyfriend would have got a free flight all expenses paid trip over to the land of Oz , but now he has a criminal recorded he will never get a visa to travel there or a lot of other places around the globe how times change.I do hope they both sort it out no matter how long down the road it takes and hopefully they will have a life the deserve together and hopefully lessons are learnt .
I have had a chinese take away for tea tonight a chicken fried rice and onion rings and curry sauce all i crave now is for a ice cold Kopperberg pear cider and to watch a decent film and to start reading a decent book.

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