Saturday, June 20, 2009


Upset Helen over certain issues regarding visiting her parents on Friday night we was only suppose to be there 10 minutes i originally waited in the car whilst she nipped in , then her brother turned up with his partner , so i ended up going in hour and a half later we was still there I was listening to them mainly discuss family problems and issues , i had finished work at eight thirty and picked Helen up straight away i must of looked bored when we returned home there was an atmosphere it didn't get to a shouting match but things was said and there was bad vibes the rest of the night

When i woke asked Helen what we was doing she seemed none responsive told me to go out with my Son or Daughter very hard when either of them are speaking to me then she told me to go out on my own so i did.

Decided to drive over to Thruscross Reservoir i took the sat nav and my decent digital camera. stopped of at Tesco and bought a chocolate chippy muffin and a bottle of water then stopped at the petrol station then set the tom tom and drove to Thruscross .

On the way i had numerous text of Helen saying "bet your at Rodley" then one suggesting Temple Newsham then and other one saying Roundhay finally the Red Bus as if i would pig out with out her she text me saying "av fun" , Helen even suggested my old home.. no chance.i text her back saying way off that i couldn't have fun without her and that i was missing her.

Took two pictures of the scenes around me with my mobile and sent them to her she no idea where i was , took some more photos with my camera then i called her she rejected my call, i called her again she picked up this time and said she was ill and had been to the toilet three times that's why she didn't want to go out , i wasn't going to argue , i said i return home.

When i got home she was still in bed i got undressed and got in bed at the side of her , cuddle her and went back to sleep it was half eleven .

Woke up got dressed went to Tesco bought some cooked ham and turkey of the deli counter some quiche and some smoked haddock and new potatoes and some bread from the bakery a granary loaf and wholemeal loaf.

Went to a tropical fish outlet at Tingley looked at some cichlids for sale different colours a lot easier to keep as they are tropical instead of marine fish.

At night went for a drive in the country on the way back stopped of at Yeadon Tarn did a circuit watched a few planes land took more photos.


We got up and made some egg mayo sarnies using twelve eggs and filled our thermos flasks one coffee one off tea and set of for Leyburn was a nice drive some lovely cottages on the way and little villages didn't stay too long , from there we drove back to knaresbourough and parked up near to the river Nidd.

Went to the Mitre had a pint of cider sat outside noticed a thatched cottage that was having its roof re thatched on our last visit it had been destroyed by a fire the roof and roof trusses and timber where black , it was difficult to access the damage to the rest of the building it had been covered by scaffolding and plastic sheeting to protect it from the elements , it was quite upsetting it was a idyllic house , and we both hope that no one was seriously injured in the fire.

walked by the side of the river and walked uphill and steps to the castle we put the blanket on the ground and chilled out had coffee and sarnies the sun was out , i received a call from my son wishing me a happy fathers day it was just after six he also said he didn't want to live at home anymore told him to think about it he has mentioned this before and it never comes to anything.
Went to local fish shop bought two fish sandwhiches which we ate in the car before driving back to Leeds,

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