Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Let the rabbit out Friday Night finally got it back in its cage last night we cornered it using the laundry baskets it was trapped it and placed it back in its hut , it wasn't a happy bunny being confined to barracks once again but three nights out and about the garden was enough cant risk it being attacked by some stray dog or cat .

Suffering with my back in a lot of pain and agony not sure what to do about attending work if i am off sick from one it means i have to take sick leave from the other, being my night job at the Hospital which means i cant do any overtime this weekend which means giving up a Saturday or Sunday, which means less money . sitting down and bending and twisting movements is agony and awkward , i don't want to make it worse and end up being off for weeks instead of a few days .The other option is to try and take some annual leave.

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