Monday, May 18, 2009

Got up this morning and within fifteen minutes i was in the car on my way to work getting excited all ready and Helen does not fly back home until Thursday night, and will arrive back in Leeds at around half past five i don't think i will be getting much sleep myself i know i am going to be on edge until her plane as took off and landed safely.

Things i have realised since Helen has been gone.

  • I don't want to be with anyone else.
  • I made the right decision to be with her.
  • The house is too big without her.
  • Shopping for one is sad.
  • The bed is way too big without her.
  • Dont want to be a startfish any longer.
  • A house is not a home without her.
  • Going to bed early is no get out clause for missing her.
  • There is no subsitute for having a Bum to slap kiss and cuddle up to.
  • I truly appreciate more than ever what she did to be with me.
  • She's the one that makes happy glad and most of all makes me smile.
  • doing what you want when you want doesn't make it easier .
  • No other woman comes close.
  • She is unique individual that cant be replaced.
  • watching TV on your own is boring.
  • Not having a conversation makes for a quite house.
  • The time we have together is precious.
  • I never want to be without her

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 SUNDAY _- Went to Nelson Court in York Helens mother had a bad fall she dislocated her shoulder fractured her arm in three places , broke h...