Thursday, April 02, 2009

Yesterday got two text messages of Helen stating that our westie is uncontrollable and mental. It’s been getting more aggressive lately, to the point that you can’t even leave the room without it attacking you , barking and generally going crazy. Enough is enough , so we have made a decision to let it go.

It constantly follows Helen every where she goes in the house, she can’t even go to the toilet without it following her it even gets in the shower when she washes her hair or has a proper shower .

we have had enough and the neighbour's must be sick of hearing it bark and yap we cant leave the door open it goes out side and creates anyone that passes the gate , it barks at or any noise that it hears and it sets it off.

I booked it in to rescue centre to get it re housed , we went along yesterday afternoon to drop it off , i finished work early , it was sad but the choice was made by the dog by its own bad behaviour.

A pet at the end of the day is suppose to relax and calm you down and be a pleasure to have and own, not to agitate and wind you up and get to the stage where you could lose you patience with it on a hourly basis. it was dropped of and we went home to peace and quite it was strange this morning not having it around but we will adjust.

Helen picked up a load of plants to go in to the garden at the front of the house.

I went to Max Spielmann and printed some photographs of from a memory stick using the kodak in house photo both one of my memory sticks it wouldn't recognise that it had been connected but the other one i had with me was fine.

I was impressed with the quality and the time it took to complete my order, and the price of 45p a photo i felt was right, i just had eighteen done to see how they turned out , i now plan on making regular trips to get more done i will need to invest and buy a big clip art frame for the dining room wall i want to change the frame as and when i get more printed, you can guess who they are mostly of.

Been looking online at exotic cats breeds we thinking of getting two that we can breed from, it be another source of income and be better than having another dog Helen would look after the litter of kittens when i was at work .

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