Left this morning at seven o clock driving to work when i realised i had forgotten my wallet so i did a u turn and went home to collect it , i put the wheelie bin out when i remembered it was Tuesday which is collection day.
Took the rest of the home made lasagne we had for tea last night in a Tupperware box for lunch. another reason for thanking one certain angel.
will eat this and go for a walk up the canal near to where i work i usually walk towards the city and then in to town , but today walked the opposite way out of town and photographed this art work under the flyover using my LG Viewty.
Seem to spend most of my time each day near to or walking by canals we did see a boat for sale last night which was moored up at the side of the canal when we was out walking Penny , it looked like it was around for the crossing to Dunkirk and it was being sold for a asking price of £40,000 i would like to look around to see the interior and general layout.
Last night when i had finished work picked Helen up from her parents house got fish and chips and two bread cakes to share which we ate in the car then we drove over to Helen's brothers house in Crofton.
I had downloaded directions from Google maps and still didn't get straight there if Helen had not been at the side of me i would have not known which direction to go in.
Was two o clock in the morning again before we got to sleep another early night not.
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