Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The weekend went great had a good pig out at no1 chinese buffet with my daughter and her Friend that she brought along with her for the journey into Leeds city centre my daughter is 17 years old at the end of the month.

Went to the Aire bar for lager and cider, my lady read my Tarot cards for me and it predicted we would have an argument concern my wife or over my wife but we would over come it and it wouldnt be a problem.

Monday my wife told my lady's husband that i had a std that i infected her and because of me that she is on tablets the rest of her life because of what i passed to her or she contracted from me.

I get cold sores which is a form of herpes i have strain type 1 my wife has herpes strain type 2 (her bad card) if i am in the process of getting a cold sore or i did have one , and i then went and had oral sex with my wife i could trigger an attack in her , which i do admit is not nice and can be very unpleasant she might never have another attack as long as she lives she could every time she is run down and i have the virus but it doesn't form a cold sore this can happen , she as had two or three outbreaks in 18 years of marriage the first time after we must have been together 8 years before it occurred , it does clear up when she gets zorvirax tablets available on prescription but saying this she does not take tablets when she is not infected so for her to say she is permanently on medication the rest of her life is a lie , any one who as cold sores has a herpes strain 1 and could infect her or could trigger an attack in her........... my lover and lady also like me gets cold sores which is strain 1 like me as far as i am aware we cancel each other out because we have the same herpes variant , as i think 50% plus of the population does, so to make out i was dirty and unclean and a deadly carrier of some awful disease really got my goat up.

My lady and i talked it through and luckly it as not had a lasting effect but when she did first get told about it out she was ready for walking out and did i understand why the way it was put to her i couldnt fault her and she did text me to tell me it was all over becuase she had no idea of the big picture but lucky she came home sat down and we discussed it talked it through .

I went online and got information on this subject she had no idea the link between cold sores and herpes but she does now and we are both going to a std clinic to get both off us checked out at the end of the day neither one of us is unclean dirty we just sometimes get a cold sore but better to be safe than sorry and will end up with a clean bill of helath ........................

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