Thursday, January 31, 2008

Had yesterday off went to BHS for a ten item breakfast with H pigged out then went to Firetrap H bought me two T-shirts. Bought Babylon by bus Bob Marley for a fiver from Zavvi (used to be virgin stores ).
went to House of Frazier men's department ended up buying four Paul Smith T-shirts in the sale from £35 to a staggering only £7.50 each

went to the std clinic accompanied by H talked about the Herpes coldsore problem and we got it all sorted out and all the questions answered.
Went to the Town Hall and spent £7.00 on getting a copy of my marriage certificate to forward to the solicitor it took only twenty five minutes to find and print it out i then walked over to the solicitor's office and handed it in and paid £300 to start divorce proceedings.

Went to a local bar and had a bottle of pear cider to celebrate the start of a new era got back to the flat and opened the mail box inside was a letter from the Building Society stating they had no interest in the endowment policy that we are cashing in from the house we sold 18 months ago that should net us £5k each which will help pay a few bills and buy bits and pieces i need such as a holiday once they receive this letter the money should be released to us.

considering signing up for the vodafone mobile broadband at £29.99 a month for a twelve month contract unlimited download and no hiding costs need the Internet and this looks better than the offers 3 are doing atm if the download speeds are as good as they are advertising then i might have to go for it.least i can email surf and buy online the things i require its costing me a fortune not being able to buy online anymore

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I am madly in love and i cant help myself everything i see and do read or hear and listen to reflects her and how i see he i just i cant get this woman out of my head i don't want her out of my head i like that i am totally smitten by her she is everything to me.

I watch her when she sleeps i watch her when she walks and moves across a room i watch her all the time she is as gracefully as a swan and elegant has a highly trained ballet dancer.

I like the way she smiles the way she bites her lip i like her smile the fact that she talks in her sleep usually in the morning just before she wakes i don't mind the fact that she sometimes snores she can do no wrong and in my eyes she is perfection.

I want to take loads of photographs of her in every pose in every situation nothing tacky or tasteless but i just crave her pictures in colour black and white and sepia.
I do have some she as sent me to my mobile and i have some of her i have took on my phone but i want quality ones then i would like one transferring to canvas as big as possible to fill a wall or four separate pieces to make one large photo not sure what it would cost but i would gladly pay
a few hundred pounds for the right photograph.
Her Husband showed up at the flat he appeared on the intercom screen whilst i was at work she phoned him on her mobile and to speak to him and he didn't realise she was in the flat she told him that she was in town he must of thought it was getting just a random call she arranged to meet him in town the reason for the visit her phone plays up and she had missed eleven of his calls so he was pissed off.

She meet him at around twelve o clock i didn't her from her till six o clock when i was at work at my second job , H had gone to her mums with some flowers for the birthday she missed last week because she was ill her phone came back to life so she text me to say she was going to get a taxi to meet me at work and stay with me till i finished my shift at nine she arrived at around seven i have never been so happy to see someone.

H is going to o2 to sort her phone out if its the battery then not too bad, if its the phone it needs repairing all the hassle yesterday was because of dodgy technology and a dead mobile if she had speak to him when he called all the stuff what went down could have been avoided .
Every time something major happens its on a Monday i hate Mondays.

Went to the gourmet burger kitchen after work had a Thai burger a lime milkshake and a side order of fries.
and H had a chicken burger side order of sour cream and fries and a tea , neither of us had anything to eat all day.
Got taxi back to flat and went to bed.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Washing machine fixed and working yipee no more messing around with the head bag full of dirty clothes.

Bought a Brevil Sandwhich toaster and a blue neon lcd alarm clock from Argos worked the weekend seven o clock till one thirty.

Ellie a lot better after she had demolished three tins of prunes to make her go to the toilet she has had a viral infection and seeing that she wasn't sick and couldn't go to the toilet she couldn't get it out her system and was poisoning her inside luckily the prunes did the trick in around a hour the old remedies are the best

Friday, January 25, 2008

Hope fully today the washing machine dryer combo is fixed and working without flooding the kitchen.

Have had to take a couple of loads of dirty laundry and done them on a night it is hard work lugging a head bag through town to get your laundry done and getting it all dry but needs must.

Girlfriend is still poorly and is phoning the NHS direct she cant get a Dr's appointment and we are both worried that its not going away she as been ill since Tuesday morning we would put it down to the Norovirus but she as not got diarrhoea or has she been vomiting hopefully what ever it she as she is on the mend and its in the later stages don't want a sick Angel .

My wife got the letter from my solicitor regarding the divorce did speak to her on the phone and she seemed to have accepted what as been put forward i did say to her she could come up with a better solution to let me know ,but i cant see that she can , be nice if she did.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Girlfriend still poorly but is on the mend hopefully i have got to admit she took to her bed most of the day and never moaned i truly felt for her pain.She now needs to eat or try to eat and build her strength up.
Need to go and get a copy of my marriage certificate for the divorce proceedings obtainable at The Town hall for £7:00sometime asp.
Need to pay the poll tax which hopefully will get paid this Friday before the due date of 10/01/2008.
Need to pay some of the credit card minimum payment is £18:00 but will pay a lot more than that off it.
Need the washing machine dyer fixed should be this Friday fingers crossed .
Sent my Son and Daughter £60 each for there birthdays , the solicitor wants five hundred pounds up front to start the divorce .

Got paid from my Hospital job three weekends short which i worked in December my that months wage was estimated and no overtime was put on to it it should have been added to January's wage put for some reason it has not been which is more than annoying.

My girlfriend keeps getting text messages to go back home from her Husband she is poorly and getting stressed out hope she lasts we both knew it was going to be difficult some people are routing for us some think we are totally being stupid and can only see a couple having an affair
if she was to go back to him it would never be the same she does love me but if she was to return i would no way go back to my Wife i don't love her and on that basis alone i know it wouldn't work out.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Went to the solicitors to start divorce proceedings have mentioned that my wife can stay in the house until 2010 when my son is 18 years of age.

That when its sold i want half the profits that's in three years time if i don't loose my job my health or end up dead that will mean another three years wiped off the life off the mortgage so there is less to pay back to the building society and who knows how much house prices will have risen in that time.

Just know that its not going to be plain sailing i know she is going to kick off she wants to keep the house but some minor points wont allow her to , she does not earn enough money she works three hours per day paid employment Monday to Friday which is not enough to buy me out even if i didn't want any cash back she does not earn enough to take the mortgage on so they wont take my name off.

I work 7-30a.m until 16-00pm at my main job Monday to Friday then go to my second job at the Hospital from 17-00pm until 21-00pm Monday to Friday and thirdly i work at the Hospital 07-00am until 15-00 Saturday and Sunday which equates to 72 hours per week.

That's why i think i deserve my share there is things i need in my life security a car the wife kept the C2 and another house rented or mortgage its still to pay for, a holiday is a must not had one for going on four years , i have worked 7 days a week for eight years solid and its pay back time this is for me and i am asking for 50 - 50 split because i have put in 110% effort in over the 18 years of my marriage to get 50% return.

I am not bitter i, am not angry nor i am not unhappy , all i just want to is get on with my life doing the things i want to do, going out and visiting places when i want , to to eat drink what i want when i want to cook it , and bath shower and listen to music when i feel the need to , watch the things i want to on t.v and go to bed and get up when i need to and if i happen or get the urge and want to walk into town at 1-30am in the morning to get a kebab because i cant sleep and it kills a craving then i can.

Basically all i want is to have freedom of choice i imagine its like walking out from prison after serving 18 years and being over the moon to just be able to choose how you live your life even if its without life's luxury's or money not being told what to do not having demands made and orders barked at you , don't do this don't do that be home for this time no you cant go to pub no you cant go out with your mates for drinks after i finished work or even go for a curry on a the odd night in town with work mates.

Withdrawing £10 from the ATM then getting home and being quizzed on what i wanted a tenner for what i bought and wears the receipt and change.

I am now living life in my apartment the way i want to i have to spend carefully and try and save and carry on for the time being working the shifts and hours i do , but its buying the stuff i need me the things i want to carry on with my life two new cameras , DVD player, TV, hi-fi , clothes and shoes some other bits and pieces before i got quizzed when i bought some blank DVDs and Cd's from HMV.

I know i have A girlfriend and its less painful than being on your own i have a regular love life cuddles and kisses and someone to look after and for some one to look after me , to share things with go places with and talk about what has happened during the course of the day laugh and joke with be silly with , but at the end of the day i would be more happier on my own then in a loveless marriage that is going no where
Girlfriend is laid up in bed very sick and poorly at first we thought it was food poisoning but we now think its a bug viral infection she as very bad stomach pain and is feeling tired and sick.

Been trying to get appointment at the STD clinic and finally did get through yesterday i have been trying to phone since the Monday my wife opened her big mouth and said nasty things or implied things about me , phone lines have been off a week they have had some major problem with there phones they was always engaged when you called them but now sorted , anyway thanks to the ex wife's comments about me i am going to go get checked out concerning the herpes( strain 1) infection and no doubt anything else present will show up not that i am expecting anything else.

I have not add loads of sexual partners fullstop but in the last 19 years i have had sex with my wife and my girlfriend and no one else. My girlfriend is attending my appointment with me this is not till next Wednesday.

Got an appointment today with a solicitor to discuss my options and responsibilities concerning the house the kids mortgage etc etc ,what ever he says i have got to act upon as pleasant as it my be hopefully questions will be answered and paths laid out to follow.
I do know this all the money i have put into the house all the hours i have worked all the time i have spent fitting kitchens , laying floors , painting and decorating i do want and deserve percentage of the sale once its sold ideally 50%. This will financially sort me out for years to come get my name of the mortgage and give me options like to rent or buy.

For tea last night roasted some vegetables again in olive oil , parsnips, carrots, potatoes, and onions that we had for Sunday dinner to go over the top of this i did a hot chicken curry yum yum had to eat on my own H couldn't face anything , she requested that i bought her some lemons to make lemon tea seeing that i couldn't find any lemon tea to buy in the local shops and Tesco,s

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sick off all this rain got soaked walking to the night job at the Hospital bloody rainy Mondays but i did get one great and nice surprise my girlfriend and been to visit her Mother and afterwards called into where i work.
As i always work on my own so it was easy for her to call in after work she stayed until my shift ended st nine o clock afterwards she took us to the Slug and Lettuce got there at around 9.15 for a late tea/supper, 1 Cesar salad and a steak sandwhich half a lager and lime and a bottle of Magners later we headed home got a taxi back to the flat.

Bought the new single by Adele "chasing pavements" and three birthday cards and a book of 1st class stamps ,it's my Brother in laws birthday Daughters and Sons birthday all this week.

Got to go get a tattoo on my arm covered up asp its bugging me and its time it went west its the wife's name done in a blue heart so i do need a day off to go sort it out with my tattooist , atm i have no time due to me and no more holidays till April but might be able to get one of next week or the week after using some flexi time .

Monday, January 21, 2008

Got the credit card bill came in more i thought always forget some of the things i purchased but i had quite few expenses moving into the apartment bought a compact hi-fi.dvd player etc etc credit card standing atm at £1633 to pay and credit available £2,266 will pay more than the minimum amount but not sure how much might be able to pay £600 and pay the rest next month not going to use it i only had to because of the current situation letting agents wont take cash got to be debit or credit card so that added to the amount and of course Christmas and stocking up at Morrison's the first time initial visit when you have nothing in and everything as to be bought at one go cost £250 never mind what was spent at other outlets .

i will get it down in the next few months and once i get some cash from the house will pay more off the outstanding amount as well so its not all doom and glume got to watch the pennies for the next couple of pay checks though and not goon any major spending sprees.
Another weekend over worked two shifts with my girlfriend seven till three had haircut Saturday afternoon not impressed bad idea should have gone to where i normally go but it was 4 o clock Saturday afternoon had he had shut up shop ,but what the heck at least it will grow again and all be sorted in a few weeks my hair does grow quickly thank God.

My girlfriend bought her son the Assassins creed for the ps3 did not play so he kicked off cant blame him so we took that back and got a replacement fingers crossed this copy will be OK.

Bought a new oil burner for the flat and a bottle of essential oil called cannabis we smelt it first before we saw what it was called from The Yankee Candle did a bit of window shopping went to the Aire bar Sunday afternoon for dinner but the had stopped serving went to Tesco bought a frozen bag of roasted veg ,of parsnips , roast potatoes , roasted carrots and onions and some lamb and banged it all in the oven hour and half later had one of the nicest Sunday dinners i have ever had and we have still got loads of veg left and stored in the freezer for next time.

Then we both jumped in to the shower, i hooked the DVD player up to the TV in the bedroom and went to bed to watch the Michael Douglas film The Game at eight thirty we was both started nodding off so switched off the film and we slept until morning .

Bt want £124 to activate the phone line in the flat not sure i want to pay that much for the time i am going to be there line rental £11 isp £20 might get a wireless laptop and find out local hot spots for free access get half decent laptop for £399 so its a idea i am serious thinking about

Friday, January 18, 2008

Got to admit i do miss Ellie all of the time i love her to bits she makes the grey skies turn blue , she makes me laugh and smile on the inside as well as on the outside....She is a great cook looks after the apartment and me and there is nothing that i wouldn't do for her.

We will in the next few months look at getting a two bedroom house in Bramley or near to as possible to Bramley Rodlety, Farsley, Calverly depending on whats available at what quality and furnishings come with the property .

We decided a garden is a must for barbies and chilling out in the summer months and maybe if possible with off road parking as we do need to get a motor sorted out eventually.thinking it be nice to have a old stone Victorian terrace house with a cellar if possible cant beat a good sized dry cellar, a decent size kitchen if possible with a modern bathroom and double glazing central heating not asking much are we hehe.

We are both working this weekend not made any plans as of yet my Daughter as just text me wanting some cash for her birthday she is shooting of to Manchester Trafford Centre to buy some clothes this Sunday also its my sons birthday three days later so what i give one i have to give to the other the question is how much is enough i didn't really give them anything at Christmas but they was money saved already for that so they are getting a double whammy so i think £100 is more than fair,which will cost me £200 never mind cant take it with ya.

Made an appointment to see a solicitor next Wednesday got to see where i stand and what route to go down concerning the house atm i pay £600 a month which covers the mortgage i cant forever pay this amount there is another 18 years left to pay it is unrealistic i keep paying it, i need to get my name off so i could get another mortgage if i so wished i reckon we are looking at making £70k plus if we sell worth thinking about might not be for another few years but the writing is on the wall.

In the Apartment there has never been a BT line activated so if i want broadband i have to pay £126 activation installation fee seeing as i am only renting maybe for only another four months looks like i am going have to do with a Internet at the flat i am thinking of buying a laptop with a wireless card and using free wifi spots across the city or until we get a more permanent house or address

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Everything seems to be going OK H brought some more of her stuff over some bikinis,tops and boots and shoes and a wicked pair of black skin tight leather trousers which hugs and fits all the right places.Some books and photographs and other various bits and pieces.

She got dropped of by her parents and they viewed where she is living all this whilst i was at work i don't finish till nine o clock and get home usually for 9-15 the beauty of working and living in town even if its opposite ends but be a great walk in summer time or once the weather starts improving.

The trouble with finishing the time i do its very rarely we get to bed before 1-30 i get up at 6-50 am so its a bloody long day i also work most of the weekends till mid afternoon but that's the price i am willing to pay as being in love with the most fantastic beautiful woman in the world
is worth it.

I try my best to make her happy , to make sure she knows just how much she means to me i wont ever stop showing just how much i care , i am putting 110% effect into making know she knows every time i am with her she as given up everything to be with me i will not let her down cheat on her curse her or put her second best she is no1 i do everything to give us a decent life and what we don't have material wise ie big House's flash cars we will make up with love and having fun with what we do have is plenty of music to listen to films to watch and books to read , there is loads of photos yet to take hopefully and memories to make.

Need to buy a breville Sandwhich toaster , radio alarm clock and a clock for the living room and a black coloured DVD player for the bedroom.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The weekend went great had a good pig out at no1 chinese buffet with my daughter and her Friend that she brought along with her for the journey into Leeds city centre my daughter is 17 years old at the end of the month.

Went to the Aire bar for lager and cider, my lady read my Tarot cards for me and it predicted we would have an argument concern my wife or over my wife but we would over come it and it wouldnt be a problem.

Monday my wife told my lady's husband that i had a std that i infected her and because of me that she is on tablets the rest of her life because of what i passed to her or she contracted from me.

I get cold sores which is a form of herpes i have strain type 1 my wife has herpes strain type 2 (her bad card) if i am in the process of getting a cold sore or i did have one , and i then went and had oral sex with my wife i could trigger an attack in her , which i do admit is not nice and can be very unpleasant she might never have another attack as long as she lives she could every time she is run down and i have the virus but it doesn't form a cold sore this can happen , she as had two or three outbreaks in 18 years of marriage the first time after we must have been together 8 years before it occurred , it does clear up when she gets zorvirax tablets available on prescription but saying this she does not take tablets when she is not infected so for her to say she is permanently on medication the rest of her life is a lie , any one who as cold sores has a herpes strain 1 and could infect her or could trigger an attack in her........... my lover and lady also like me gets cold sores which is strain 1 like me as far as i am aware we cancel each other out because we have the same herpes variant , as i think 50% plus of the population does, so to make out i was dirty and unclean and a deadly carrier of some awful disease really got my goat up.

My lady and i talked it through and luckly it as not had a lasting effect but when she did first get told about it out she was ready for walking out and did i understand why the way it was put to her i couldnt fault her and she did text me to tell me it was all over becuase she had no idea of the big picture but lucky she came home sat down and we discussed it talked it through .

I went online and got information on this subject she had no idea the link between cold sores and herpes but she does now and we are both going to a std clinic to get both off us checked out at the end of the day neither one of us is unclean dirty we just sometimes get a cold sore but better to be safe than sorry and will end up with a clean bill of helath ........................

Friday, January 11, 2008

working to night till nine o clock then have got three days off or at least till my Monday night shift .
Hopefully going to have a chilled out weekend drink shopping and making love to the most beautiful and special woman in the world , she is today off to the her solicitors to restart her divorce proceedings there is for her no going back after today , she as burnt her bridges my lay in ashes already and even though i have not started proceedings myself it is only matter of weeks away that i will start my divorce of course that's if she doesn't start them up against me so far all contact we have had in the last eight weeks have been via email and text she wont see me f2f or speak to me verbally on the phone.

Cant believe how much i love this woman how i adore and worship her , everything we have both given up to be with one another is unbelievable and i never expected her to give up what she as.

We might have to rent property the rest of our life is that any worse then paying a mortgage i am 48 and she is 39 a twenty five year mortgage we might not end up completing due to ages who knows so why worry,and anywhere what is comfortable and where love resides is home we can still have nice possessions and decorate rooms to our needs so it doesn't phase me at the end of the day we will be happy and content.

As i am still paying the mortgage on a house i own with my ex , who knows down the line if its ever sold the cash from the sale will sort us out for years to come if we are careful and don't go mad budget and buy what we need.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Last night going back to the house it didn't stir any memories saw both my children and that was nice without ant tears.

got my shuttle PC speakers the lot got about 30 or so DVDs and few selected books some plywood boxes from Ikea but most of all my mums ashes wish a contained in a small silver cherub tin which is sealed.

A good friend from work took me over and drove me back with everything did it in around hour and half which was not too bad considering the traffic going.

still left loads of other stuff don't think my ex wife will bin any of it , as long as i carry on paying the £600 mortgage every month which i plan on doing for as long as it is financially viable.
Anyway got back home set the computer up everything worked fine all i need now is an ISP to provide a connection to cyberspace.
Still waiting delivery of a new pen drive from svp communications hopefully should hit the mail box by tomorrow the Tesco express opens tomorrow at 8.00am be a godsend tinned curry and bottle water in vast supplies hopefully.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Still working hard my girlfriend who lives with me went over to pick some more off her belongings up she brought over a nice wooden candle holder twigs with lights a stone ornament of a naked women sat down clutching her knees a standard lamp with a black Gothic shade some wind chimes a wooden cat and Buddha craved head statue some DVDs and CD,s some shells a wooden oblong bowel and an ornate metal work fruit bowl so things are looking good.
Like me she is having to leave loads of her possessions and belongings where she used to live and feels the situation is to bad to go back and get the rest of her stuff.

washing machine , dish washer and dryer , fridge freezer, tv's will all need replacing at some stage as nothing last for ever, so we will just buy new when we have the cash to whilst we are renting furnished flats all that stuff comes within the let so its the odd piece of art work and posters soft furnishings.

still need other items like a radio alarm we are still using the mobile phone's , a new TV for the bedroom and some art work a chest of drawers is a must and a shoe rack we are trying to sort out a trip to Ikea its hard not having a car need to buy some throws and rugs and a hat and coat stand for the hall way.

will need to see what i can blag from my house when i go over to night might be odd piece i decide i can take with out causing world war three i have paid for it all but i never went out and actually bought anyhting i was too busy earning the cash but it dosn't mean i want her to have it all.
got to get the concrete gargoyle i bought the day my mother died its in the garden Will take it with me it will have to live inside and will need cleaning up where it will sit i have no idea atm.

Not working this weekend Will look round town for some other bargains bits and pieces meeting up with my Daughter this Saturday so another Chinese is a certainty .

On Sunday we want to go for a walk around the canals and shoot some photos with the new camera will go to the dark arches and along the bank if the weather permits have a full English along the way

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

My Girlfriend as not been too good she had a sore throat hot and cold sweats and general knackered living with me ain't easy lol o/j.

loads of bugs going round at the moment and seeing we both work at the Hospital its no wonder we don't get more viruses and plagues.

Bought her some Sudafed and a bottle of cough throat medicine hopefully she will get no worse.

she manage to cook tea she is a star and i love her to bits.

Going to First Choice tonight on the way to my night job for a brochure and plan where we want to go for a holiday this year. Two weeks of sun and surf as got to be just what the doctor order have not had a decent holiday for three years. Seriously considering Cuba but not sure if i can last the flight though.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Finished work on Saturday meet my sister at the back street of the hospital she had brought me the Lumix Panasonic FZ18 bought of QVC channel and a Fuji 6.3 million pixel camera which was going for £40 at a local store this i will take out on nights out places i don't fancy taking a large camera out and about.

Went to N01 Chinese buffet and pig out for four of us was on £32 including a round of drinks .

bought two CD's form the sale at HMV James "the best of" and Manic Street preachers both for £7.00.

Picking my computer up from my ex wife's and my old house Wednesday night after work so at least that will make me a lot happier thought she might have had other ideas about me going round be she agreed it was not a problem not sure what else i need to or want to take with me this might be the last chance i get at having anything away got loads of tattoo magazines i collected over the last 15 years might have to leave them at the apartment there is limited room and storage never mind that's life.

Been told that i can become a key holder at work and as i live only two minutes away, and seeing there is no parking that comes with the flat unless you are willing to fork out loads of cash which is like haif the rent again , it dosn,t take much working out way i voluntered my services council employers dont work weekends bank holidays and every one is out of the office and gone home for five on a night magic.

All i need to sort out is a second hand motor stilll waiting the cash from the endowment which hopefully is all sorted out this time round the forms have been returned three times for minor discrepencies but fingers crossed looks like we are ok this time round then might see what i can get at a resonable price no more than 2k.

Friday, January 04, 2008

Desperately need to sort out a Internet connection as i am picking my computer up mid next week. Just ordered online a 2 gig pen drive got photos on my PC at work i need to transfer to put on my own computer checked out Pc World too much money . i have got some dvds i need to rip and write to disc and some Cd's i have backed up need burning to disc.

finished work at nine o clock last night walked through town to the apartment picked up a ciabatta loaf from Simpson's deli along the way . Ellie had cooked a lasagne with jacket potatoes and i got to admit it was the best she also does a really nice tagliatelle with smoked ham starting to prefer Italian food to Chinese and Indian need to find a nice white wine to go with it instead of bottled lager.
Bought a book on the graffiti artist Banksy from HMV first saw his work online and i do like urban street art. Want to buy John Twelve Hawks new novel in paperback seen it in hardback but not in paperback will have to wait i guess.

Working this weekend again might do a full month there is plenty of stuff i need to buy for the flat a coat stand for the hallway a table for the pc a magazine rack CD DVD rack rugs for the side of the bed some fitted sheets pillow cases and duvet covers need some oil burners and incense sticks/cones i would like a large wooden hardwood bowl shoe rack and general storage boxes .
Also need to get a psp for gaming and films don't know if i want to get a ps3 as well or a x-box.
also tempted to get a reasonable priced laptop for round and about using wi-fi hot spots will see how the cash spans out .

Thursday, January 03, 2008

the view from the ninth floor of the apartment living room not the best of views but it could be worse
kitchen also contains fridge freezer washer dryer and all other appliances did bring new plates knives and forks and bought a new frying pan.

The bedroom could do with some chest of drawers will try and get them to match if we can find out where the other ones came from .

The main living area also furnished bought a new hi-fi and a DVD player bought a few DVD discs in the sales Scarface, Casino, sliver just to name a few

Bathroom i didn't know towels cost what they do spent over £120 on towels bath rug and other bits and pieces

Another view of the kitchen stable diet pasta and smoked ham done in double cream and white wine with mushrooms and hot fresh baked bread yum yum .
all these photos taken with LG Viewty mobile phone

First day back at my full time job and access to a PC , I have been working at the Hospital on and off during the festive season.Apart from working five till nine have worked the last two weekends and will work this weekend as well.

Have settled well into the new apartment and this will our second week and so far so good no major hiccups the washing machine leaked but it was nothing major it did lift the laminate flooring but should settle back down and tighten up once its dried out.
We went down to the canal and feed the ducks on Christmas day and walked in to town it was like the Will Smith film and totally deserted not that i have been to see the film just the trailers on TV.

Had to buy a new iron and an airier also bough a new Sony CD/dab radio player with blue tooth ability was suppose to come with a free clock which they had run out so got £45 knocked off the price instead.
Need to buy a radio alarm clock i want when whats blue L.E.D instead of using the mobile , also need to buy a clock for the living area another thing we do need is some foliage in the form of a yucca and other greenage.

Sorted out a new debit card and credit card for emergency's only and have a new Panasonic Lumix 18x digital zoom camera which is waiting for me to pick up from my sisters house which is where i was living when she ordered it off QVC for me.

Need few select pieces regarding ornaments seen a very nice two foot sitting Indian god in gold for the hall way might have to go buy it if its still available once i get paid on the 16th of this month.Could also do with a shelving unit or bookcase.

3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...