Monday, October 26, 2020


 WEDNESDAY - Helen having headache over the last three days not good not sure why but it a constant issue hopefully they will pass .

THURSDAY - Been taking Bailey out in the car to different locations for his morning walks so far we have done four different locations and three different reservoirs .All within a ten minute drive from where we live .

I am of this week and next as it is my birthday tomorrow Friday the 23rd another year passed what changes have occurred . We sold the static home for £85k , moved in to a new build got locked down with cover had three months off work , bought another car and there's still a couple of months to go until the new year .A year full of ups and downs positives and negatives but made it none the less its no good moaning we just got to live every day as if its your last stay safe be kind to others and carry on .

The paranormal Team we are in have appeared in our local paper first time I have ever had a photo in any paper , we go out to different locations and try and hunt ghosts and spirits using different equipment its great fun and it gets us out whilst observing the cover rules do's and dont's .below is a photograph from a recent location there was graffiti on most walls there was eighteen different buildings of various sizes .

FRIDAY - Recived my three nail cross yesterday for my birthday today thank you Helen , I am well happy with it .

Wednesday, October 21, 2020


 I have been updating this blog for 15 years how the world has changed and how things have changed during my life time .One thing that has not changed I am still getting speeding tickets another one hit the door mat through the later box I think this is the worse one I was caught doing 65 mph on the M1  motorway the speed limit was set for fifty because of road workers and road repairs in progress even though it was half two in the morning and no workers were doing anything to the road anyway still got a ticket have to fill it out and return it ti discover my fate ,

Ebay buys bought a new laser pen we lost the end bit that makes the patterns and dots so I bought a new     one this is in a box and comes with four ends so we can use both pens .

I bought a Ulanzi video rig from one seller and the two led lights from a different seller the full rig is on Amazon for £99 I bought the rig for £11.99 and two lights for £23.99 a third of the price I need to get a microphone which will be around another tenner . I also purchased a JBL Go2 bluetooth speaker which also as a cable to wire it to your phone .

For myself I bought a dog tag crucifix I am also looking to buy a solid silver crucifix I have not worn a chain for years I used to have a solid gold crucifix that I wore for years but sold it years ago when I I took it off for due to dress code policy at work.

whilst I am off I would like to go to Lou and Jo's burger joint in Holmfirth we have never been and I am all in favour of supporting local eating establishments .

Helen has bought me a three nail cross for my birthday hopefully it arrives before my birthday this Friday if not I shouldn't be that late after .

Have been driving to different reservoirs whilst I have these two weeks off I love the landscape and the water the stone walls and scenery and it is a five minute drive away I am blessed .

Had a KFC double down meal for the first time which consists  two fillets of chicken breast with bacon rashers and cheese but without the bun , the KFC fries I like a lot better than McDonalds and Burger King  in my opinion they are the best  , no milk shakes was been served  had to have a Pepsi Max ,

Sunday, October 18, 2020


 MONDAY - Five days to work then a full sixteen days off I can't wait I admit all I work for is money and time off what else is there the time off is generous the pay could be better because of the unsocial hours I do it is all paid at time and a half so it does boost my wage up to an half decent amount .But if you are working and have bills  who docent need more money in there wage packet .

I fancy buying my self a silver pendant not too sure what to get but it has to be heavy with a half decent size chain  and want people to take notice something unusual something a little bit different .

Did a deal with the Skoda dealership over the three month on us car payments it is run by the finance  company and not D.M.Keith so problem is it will cost them money to cut it short I have agreed to five hundred pounds via a bacs transfer into my bank and a full paint and and seat  protection which is worth nearly four hundred pounds I am happy at first the cash they wanted to part with was only £250 so we agreed and signed the paperwork this was Monday afternoon it is now Thursday the money has not hit my account fcuk sake its £500 your a multi million pound company send the cash I don't want to have to ring them to chase it up , but I will .

THURSDAY - two more shifts then sixteen days off yippee always love time off in the autumn and winter months when its dark windy and raining staying in seems more ideal .

Isnt it a pain when you wake up on a morning and realise you forgot to put your phone on charge and its on 3% then you go down stairs to the kitchen and find out you have run out of your favourite coffee .

SATURDAY - Helen had two readings to do in Linthwaite we got home just after half six we ordered a curry from the local Indian take away I ordered  a mix kebab starter , a butter chicken and chicken tikka , 2 x mushroom rice 2 x poppadum and two chapatis the delivery driver got lost she couldn't find our address we had this problem before but this time she was over twenty minutes finding us from when she called us saying she was unsure of our location she finally arrived lucky the food was not too cold we managed to microwave the rice and curry but we are only a three minute drive away from their location , I don't pick up because its on a narrow road with no parking and its too long to walk .

Monday, October 12, 2020


WEDNESDAY - Work rest of this week and next and I am then off for two whole weeks and I cant wait not even bothered about the weather I ca go to be at a reasonable time and get up before eight and have the whole day to chill out relax watch Netflix and You Tube and drink cider and coffee obviously not together it sounds like a plan to me .

Looks like we have another lock down looming in the north of England the pubs restaurants maybe forced in to closing their doors again which is not good but we have to put people safety first .

I work in an hospital I have access to all patient moment at both major hospitals in real time  I can see all the jobs that have been allocated and all the jobs hat have also completed by the porters .This includes all the  sad job of  taking the deceased patients to the mortuary . This is a computer system and you can look back weeks to see what as occurred 

All I can say is this time round we don't have anywhere near the number of deaths that we had during the first wave people still might be getting infected but the deaths are not happening maybe it because it is less server or we are more immune to it I don't know obviously its a good thing and hopefully other hospitals in all the other countries are having fewer numbers lets hope so.

FRIDAY - Took Bailey or Westie out for his morning walk once again it was raining I am sleeping in a little bit more I go to bed around four a.m and I now get up between nine and half past I really would like to be up an hour earlier but its not happening .

We got a gift package at work  from Amazon for working at the NHS and being front line staff it contained an adult colouring book , some cleansing wipes a reed defuser and very large tin of Nivea hand and body cream and a large  bag of jelly sweets it also contained two thank you cards so big shout out to Amazon .

SATURDAY - Took Helen over to Linthwaite she had some readings to do straight after we went on to Saddleworth moor to Rimmon cottage it was already dark but not in the dead of night there was no moon we parked up and had a half mile walk .On the way home in the village we stopped at the local kebab shop had a mixed kebab on a nan with chilli and garlic sauce with cheesy chips was ok it filled me up Helen had the fried chicken pieces not so good .

SUNDAY - A quite day in cut the grass which took all of forty minutes cooked a roast beef Sunday dinner bought fresh from the local farm shop it was dear than I wanted to spend but it was a decent size it feed us both plus the two dogs and both cats none went to waste .

Wednesday, October 07, 2020


 Not happy put on on a pair of my Jack Jones jeans on big hole in the crotch not lasted at all I am quite disappointed not sure if to stick with Jack Jones or get a different brand decisions decisions .

Baked  some Galaxy chocolate  cookies I bought a packet of their mix and all I had to do was just add butter and water and bake for 12 minutes  . It is quicker for me than going to the shop for a packet of biscuits and they came out more or less perfect they was real tasty soft and moist can't beat it .

SATURDAY - Woke up it was a rainy very  misty and the fog was all about I couldn't see the reservoir   , I still had to take Bailey out as he still wanted to go out for his morning walk .

 Helen had readings to do in the afternoon so I  was left to my own devices until she had finished watched the film  "The Girl in the Spiders Web  "  a half decent film . I bought a new iPhone case of eBay and I  picked fish and chips up for our tea/supper we was not impressed they seem to be getting worse might have to find another chippy.

SUNDAY - Went over to Bury to Newland's garden centre its a lot bigger than the one we usually go to over at Dobcross and had a wider range of goods it was an hours drive its a gorgeous scenic drive there with plenty of waterways and reservoirs along the way .Bought a massive stags head to go above our bed the antlers Lehrer too large so we had to put it on the bulk head over the stairs ,

cooked a roast pork Sunday dinner we left it slow cooking in the oven as we shopped the crackling was nice and crisp and the meat just pulled apart I burnt my fingers on a roasting tin it was left on the halogen hob the hobs take ages to cool down I picked it up the other two water cold this one was hot and I dropped it burning three fingers in the process I had to keep running them under the cold tap to cool them done eventually  I had a bowl of ice cubes it took a few hours for the pain to subside , halogen hobs are nightmare if you spill anything and want to wipe the top down it switches all the hobs of really bad design .

Thursday, October 01, 2020


 My daughter called over Sunday she cut our hair and re coloured Helen's she wanted corned beef hash for dinner with pancakes  we oblige before we went for a walk to a local reservoir a few minutes away it was a sunny day and quite warm .

Below me with my grandson Jenson he likes to walk and liked the reservoir it is nice to get out on a sunny Sunday afternoon it won't be long when it is dark on a morning and dark on a evening .It also presses my reset button and clears my mind it gives you time to think and dream and go to far away places .

I love clouds in the sky a bright blue sky with white fluffy clouds is amazing and forever changing the are magical and I prefer to see them floating above than just a pure  blue sky imaging the picture below without the clouds be a boring photo .

Work at the hospital is  picking up more cover patients the cleaners cleaned a closed ward and it was full of respiratory tubing masks and ventialator equipment it was an icu ward it is re-opening for the use of covid- 19 patients but at the moment it is not as bad as it was but we are expecting a rush of cases .

Went to the local garden centre Totties  they have a bistro there the Olivie Tree we could smell the fish and chips as we walked round the sun was out the skies where blue and of course we had to indulge and they was spot on the fish was cooked in beer batter and the chips thick and triple cooked I had mine with baked beans Helen had peas even the bread was nice it was money well spent and it saved coking tea .

Skoda the new Karoq I purchase is a great car the only one  problem that  I have is the first three months was on them so I had no repayments and no monies was to come out of my bank until the 27th of December the first payment has already been took out .

 I am trying to get D.M Keith to sort it out the sale person I bought the car from Lee knows about it he his on holiday .I went down and was offered a credit note for £1000 which is useless I can use it on my next car which ties me to Skoda I also might jobless so getting credit would be impossible or I might not want the commitment of buying a new car so I politely refused their offer . I want them to honour the  original agreement of three months on them I am waiting for a call from the business manager to speak to me , this is the third car I have bought from the same dealership and not had any issues .They knew this on the 19th of September they payment came out on the 27th of September and it is still on going .

3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...