Tuesday, August 25, 2020


 SUNDAY - Drove over to Sheffield city centre a thirty minute drive to a designer shop to pick up a Goose light it is based on a old design that as been updated , its a two foot high goose that sits in the window and glows it uses led lights and is 100% plastic it cost £135 but Helen loves it and why not it was her that she money she was spending .If you want something and have the cash get it don't put it off life is way too short not to do it no dithering spend and buy.

Went to the Boshaw Trout  again for Sunday lunch and had exactly the same as what we ordered last Sunday for some reason we did not get the creamed leeks which I only realised when we got back home , and the food although was as good was slightly different the carrots where not the same and the beef was not as stacked up as the previous Sunday there was less but still filling and  it was later in the afternoon then it was we went dined last  week by a good couple of hours and the place was a lot fuller , but saying all of  that we booked again  for this Sunday coming as we was leaving we asked for a table in the conservatory part so we can eat with a view , rain or shine its a nice view .

Went on another  ghost hunt with Helen and some of the team we went back to the P.O.W bunker which was our first hunt . The rain held off and it was warmer it got darker a lot quicker than it did the last time we went , Wayne put the drone up one of the viewers bought him but it was way too windy .it was a good night and of course it was nice catching up with the other team members Wayne and Ryan .

MONDAY - Went to work for the first time in the new car got a parking spot easy enough the back end was slightly over the waste bit of land we can park on and ever so slightly infringing on to the road but bigger cars have parked there then me ,  if there is enough room will have to try and park on an angle.  I also need to figure out to switch the interior lights  on to work when the door opens as they are not coming on when I open any of the doors at two in the morning I need light.

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3 IN 1

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