Tuesday, January 01, 2019

HAPPY 2019


Well the decorations and Christmas tree are packed away for Christmas this year they will remain in their box until late November early December hopefully we are around to unpack them and see them once more . there will be some out there that won't set their  eyes on them again which is sad , some of us have had our last Christmas that's why it is important to always make it count .

Washed and waxed the car it as not had a proper clean for ages I think it was the dirtiest it has ever been back to looking new again .

Was he all of the vans windows should be good now for a couple of months .

watching season two of "Stranger Things" , I also watched the Netflix film " Bird box " which was ok stuck with it until the end did get a little boring .

Had a turkey roast dinner Helen did her roast potatoes again which was a hit on Boxing Day meal .

There was a few close friends and relatives  that did not make it to 2019 Helen's uncle Ken passed away  a friend graham who gave us the marine rocks for our fish tank , My Brother in law Alan , his father sadly passed away in December and of course my ex wife who passed the day after Boxing Day may you all rest in everlasting peace .

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