Wednesday, January 02, 2019


Well things are picking up hopefully Helen as three readings booked for Saturday over in Leeds I will have to amuse myself for a few hours whilst I wait for her to finish .

I think I under estimated the tax rebate I am getting from HRMC I might be more in the region of £300 I do hope so fingers crossed be a good start to the new year it is my daughters birthday at the end of the month would be nice to go out for another Indian meal to a restaurant were we live.

I am also thinking about changing my bank account to one that gives me an option of an over-draught  facility should I ever need it  (like today ) in this day and age I think I am the only person at work who does not have an over draught facility  or credit card .I am aware of debt and the pitfalls with the both of these but I am also aware of we need to eat and I the fact that I also need petrol for getting to and from work .

I think one of my New Years resolutions is to always have access to money without getting in to  spiralling debt .  If I did get a credit card it would not be used to fund luxury items like a new iPhone or paying for a holiday it be used only when money is tight and for only essential items although some of you out there would class a new iPhone and holiday as an essential item .And they would both be zeroed out when I got paid.

Middle of the week hopefully tonight will be more motivated its been hard the last couple of nights returning to work mundane does not cut it , fucking boring does I feel I am working to pay the bills to pay my taxes to buy food so I can go to work to continue on the same path .I need to rethink my life live differently make changes alter my outlook , see the good and the positive things that happens .

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 SUNDAY _- Went to Nelson Court in York Helens mother had a bad fall she dislocated her shoulder fractured her arm in three places , broke h...