Monday, June 04, 2018


Applied for new passports online took around ten attempts for me to upload a photo that was accepted three refusals because they couldn't detect the outline of my head ugh more refusals  said eyes shut when they was clearly opened other reason background colour wrong finally had one accepted , felt like that I deserved a prize for getting one right .Three weeks should get the new ones through the post , I posted the old ones back to the passport office as instructed ,cost nearly £180 saved £12 doing my own photos . Going to Ibiza .

The timber post letter  box looks ok , I did a planter box to sit behind it so we have flowers growing up looks ok I also bought a brass number 5 to screw on to the front I hope the Postie uses it after all my hard work.

Washed the car for the first time since I have had , it it as nearly done 250 miles wonder how many miles , services ,m.o.t's it will have in its life or when I trade it in .

Back to work tomorrow I have one six two shift to do mid week which will break the week up nicely then I have another seven days off annual leave yippee .

Watching - Marcella season one

Listening to - Snow Patrol "Wildness'.

Playing X-box one "Zombie Trilogy"

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