Saturday, May 12, 2018


Need to get some bottles of Rattler cider it is strong and nice cold and very refreshing I could easily demolish a crate or two over the weekend specially if we get the barbecue going .

The hottest May bank holiday since records began , and I am at work typical .

Went to the garden centre and bought flowers to the tune of £40  for the hanging baskets that we have scattered around the van .

It has been a boring week cleaned all the concrete our static van stands on using a yard brush and Jeye's fluid its come up like new , of course ideally a pressure washer would have been better but  this was the cheaper alternative way .

Work has been work enough said my Nephew is 50 on Monday how time flies .

Saturday - Removed  the glass panel from the cooker to clean it the top screw does not go back as it should the bottom one locates and screws down fine the top one does not wish I had left it only .

Washed the car going over to Tintwhistle Helen as a couple of readings she also is doing one on Sunday hope they go ok for her .

Three films I want to see on the big screen in no particular order are as follows the all  new Jurassic Park , Alien and Predator movies bet we don't manage one .

Off Monday annual leave I also go to sign the finance papers for the new car at ten am should get it a week on Friday .

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