Sunday, August 21, 2016


Well, two cats is never enough we had to go out and get another one this one is called Bentley and he is beautifully marked white and grey stripes he is very lively and although  totally only twelve week old kitten is  not phased out by the other two cats and our Jack Russell Pippa.
The dog is also  fine with the new kitten she as always had and infinity with cats and never yet hurt one she  does the odd growl usually if she is eating a bone or chew but apart from this she is fine .
The only concern or issue is with George our Tom cat he can be a little feisty  at times and might not tolerate the little ones playfulness .

Bentley the kitten split although the night he never stirred once until morning we have been playing with him all day he is quite a character and very playful so far so good he has fir right in.

One more week of work i have seemed already to have been of for ages next week will fly bye hopefully if the weather predictions are correct it will be hot , which will make the week go even quicker .

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