Monday, May 18, 2015


Went back to the doctors this morning for more blood tests these new samples will be compared to the previous ones and see what changes have occurred if any.
The doctor wrote me another sick note which will piss work off but who cares it is what it is .
I go back Friday to see whats what i think i will be back at work on the Monday hopefully with a clean bill of health.

Anyway should get cheque either tomorrow or Wednesday and should be in a position to pay for the static home . where we are renting at the moment the washer door flew off after it finished going through the spinning process so luckily no water poured out and is now totally out of commission and the fire packed in again which was a bag of shit from day one ,  i differently think it is time to move on.
Seen a comfy grey fabric corner sofa unit for the static home and it just happens to be half price until the 2nd of June , we wanted one for the cottage that  we are living in now but the room was just way  too small.

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3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...