Saturday, January 03, 2015


More snow is predicted for Saturday if it happens could easily get snowed in again so today I am going to go see my manager and see where I stand if I can't get to work . I think we are taking down the chri tree and decorations down tomorrow get the cottage back to normal.
Be Valentine's Day before we know it .then it's going to be Easter and we will be a quarter  of the way in to 2015.

Ian Lawman pictured below from "Living with the dead "  tv series is apparently coming to our little cottage to see what he can pick up in the next couple of weeks , I am not sure exactly why we are not exactly living on Elm Street .

Both my sisters came over we went to Dobcross garden centre aw we got on the top of the moors it became foggy and it started to snow . We  bought  a plywood cut out 3d stags head for the wall of the cottage , thats  until we can afford a proper cows head and horns or some antlers .

Watching - "The Station Agent ".

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