Monday, January 12, 2015


Getting sick of living in this little cottage . its way too dark and glum and if it gets any darker we will need a miners helmet or one of those head band torches. Another issue is its damp in winter with mould almost everywhere . Which is not good .I have seen bigger prison cells .Of course we did realise it was small when we moved.
Having no separate kitchen is not a great way to live we don't even have a dining table to eat meals off.Inviting someone round is also not a great idea we have a three seat settee and a chair

The lack of work space and no where to put a clothes dryer means we have to hang wet clothes on an airy to dry , it is like going back to the 1950s.

The kitchen on the back wall is not really adequate .There is not enough preparation space for cooking and preparing meals .Most of the kitchen cupboards are out of line and the doors don't fit right .

The open plan stair case  is also an issue as it lets a draught blow down from upstairs .Which makes it colder its like having air con.

We only have two doors the main door to the cottage and the one on the bathroom .

The dog sits in front of the fire and the cat perches on the radiator most of the day .We have two radiators they are both way too small and situated in the wrong positions.
Helen sits in her all in one and wraps a blanket around her shoulders to keep warm. There are draughts coming in where you shouldn't be getting draughts. Being dug in to an embankment i suppose does not help.

The ceramic tiles have recently seem to be coming away from the wall in the bath room .Which seems a colder place even than the fridge .We have just spent our last winter here . And in a few months hopefully we are gone .
Good points we have made some great friends and the location is great i would recommend to anyone to come and live here just not in the cottage we are in .Rather be somewhere else.

I slipped yesterday on the walk behind our cottage my leg just went from under me it was completely on my arse as a result i am in pain i can't go on sick i am being monitored i will have to book some holidays .
The weather is still grey and dull and wet .We have had no more snow i am thinking i would rather be snowed in than go to work .

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