Sunday, July 06, 2014


Walked down from our cottage to the main street of Holmfirth its a fifteen minute walk down the steep lanes we was going to wait for the riders passing through stage two in the Tour De France .

We waited around a hour before a load of publicity vans came through followed police bikes and other vehicles five helicopters appeared in the sky a few minutes later the first group of break away  riders passed a few seconds later the rest of the pack came through in just over thirty seconds it was all over and the entourage and riders gone .

After we had food load sod outdoor catering vans and stalls where selling everything from fish and chips to Mexican and Indian and Pakistani food , i had a chicken tikka chicken wrap very nice but pricey .

First picture is City Square in Leeds City Centre the yellow jumper supporting the TDF .
the second Holmfirth earlier today after the bikes had passed through.

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