Sunday, July 13, 2014


Last day off of a  two week annual leave it's back to work on Monday.The two weeks i have been off have been hot and sunny i have picked the best two weeks by far.

We never made it to the coast or beach not sure why it just did not happen i do have another five weeks holidays left to take and i reckon we are going to have an Indian summer , so i do plan on  having another  week off in September i reckon the weather will still be good. i will book it when i go back to work Monday.

Cant say i have missed work one little bit and even though on my two weeks off we have done very little walking in the sunshine mainly we have just been sitting outside on the worlds smallest patio so it  is never really too boring and i am still looking forward to the weekend .

Alfie our ginger kitten is making vast improvements he is eating like a little orange tiger and his eyes at least  are no worse  and do seem a little clearer his sneezing has virtually stopped and he is lively chasing his bell bell around the room he is also very loving and likes a lot of hugs and cuddles.

Helen manage to trap her finger closing the car boot she was in agony as her finger continuously throbbed away not very pleasant , she might even loose her finger nail , she was expecting money going in to her bank for the insurance pay out for the road traffic accident we was in going back to last March,

Collected 250 Nectar points tonight watching ads online sad or what , to top that we won a whopping life changing amount of £3.10 on the Euro Lottery.

After Helen trapped her fingers in the cars boot yesterday she is still suffering discomfit and pain she manage to take off her nail varnish and her nail is turning a lovely shade of black , as a result she now hates the car , she is accusing the car of attacking her .

Cooked my self a full English breakfast at around dinner time today although i  did not cook any black pudding or baked beans but the rest was on the plate then i made it disappear magic.

Alfie had his first taste of Whiskers Kitten food he has been having chicken breast and mackerel and sardines but the out of the packet food well he wolfed it down like a proper little tiger.

Listening to - The Antlers Familiar album 10/10 some really top tunes and lyrics album cover above.

Watching - "Sabotage" Arnie just gets better with age and "Need For Speed"

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