Thursday, January 30, 2014


off work next three days done nothing today we did go in to Huddersfield town centre we saw a elderly woman fall over she smashed her face on the kerb she was in shock  and her face was bloody mess it was upsetting , she was being comforted by passers by one was a of duty police officer , we was parked up a few feet away we left it was distressing to see there was nothing we could do the others where not doing so we left.

Went with Helen on her driving lesson I sat in the back of the car  whilst she had her hours lesson it all went fine no near misses I was in no danger it was nice being a passenger.
On season four of Breaking Bad going to miss it when we finish the series .

It is my son's 21st birthday I need to see him more than I do I feel bad its either time or money that stops me , my life is ruled by both , I do call him on the phone three or so times a week but I wish it was better , I wish he could get a decent job and earn himself some money.I think he wants to go go karting with his girlfriend hope he as a nice day out.

Thank god its pay day its been six weeks since the last one not good at least February is a four week month plus i have a weeks annual leave starting on the 24th be so glad to see the back of January roll on summer hopefully by April it will be hot .

Back to work tomorrow for a day then its the weekend yippee.

Watching "Breaking Bad" Season four

Eating - Whats ever in the freezer

Wanting - Chinese meal from Uppermill

Sunday, January 26, 2014


We have a leaky cottage , when we woke up  there was Rain water dripping from the roof at the rear of the cottage , you can step straight on the roof from the grass bank at the back .
There was a lot of leaves and debris around the roof window which is now cleared so hopefully the water wont back up and can now run away freely.

Below home made freshly baked scones made by Helen , serve up with clotted cream and strawberry jam and a freshly made coffee for a cream tea.

Work tomorrow then three days off then one day at work weekend off.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


Put parallels desktop nine on Helen's Mac book pro and then installed  Microsoft's windows operating system seven on to it.So  now she can use either mavericks or windows yet she can still access finder and import files into her windows explorer its a great compromise she was on about selling her Mac book and buying a windows laptop she would have lost a load of money and ended up with a laptop that is nowhere as good.

The rain came down today it started of sunny then got worse by the afternoon it was torrential we went  out to get some groceries got the ingredients for a curry we had tea and watched Braveheart Saturday done and dusted

Friday, January 24, 2014


Well the years first snow as arrived today the temperature as dropped and there is a smidgen of the white stuff , its not loads and we don't need a snow plough just yet but I reckon it will come back with a vengeance.

It will be the first winter I won't be driving a 4x4 whether that will make a difference i will have to wait and see,as the roads up here  are so steep bendy and bloody narrow , before we get anywhere near and  on to the main road.

Guess I should start to carry a shovel and a bag of salt grit , a sleeping bag a drink and loads of mars bars just in case.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Really worried about losing my driving license . if I did I would loose my job .
I would not be able to get home from work it would  be my worse nightmare , I would end up on benefits ,plus in debt as I would owe a lot of money for breaking the car lease fcuking cameras it ain't cricket.The camera below does not even flasy does not use film and is being tested if approved by the home office will be installed through out the U.K.

Woke up to a frost the fields are whitened over the earth frozen the cars need de-icing its the whitest yet.

I got my new uniform from work was given four shirts why not five am not sure , short sleeves with  thin blue and white stripes  17.5 inch collar  without a breast pocket , and four pairs of black trousers 34 inch waste which are way off the mark. They're are not so much tight as they won't fasten they won't even come close , even though the black denims I wear for work are a 34 inch waste , who,s made the trousers Superdry? , Part of the uniform was missing a clip on tie thank God its too warm even in winter .

Next week I have three days off Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday if the weather is OK will go round Dovestone get up early and spend a good few hours walking , that's walking without rushing might take a flask of coffee and some sandwiches.

End of the month is my Sons 21st Birthday would like to get him something he keep forever that he would look at and I always be with him thing , like the crystal skull head vodka bottle he bought me at Christmas , its also my daughters twenty third birthday a couple of days before his they was nearly born on the same day two years apart , if he had been induced it would of been so but the midwifes decided to leave it a couple of days and let nature take its course.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Friday another week of work comes to a end .
Another two need to come round before payday its going to be a long fourteen days .

Had a letter from the police I have been caught on camera speeding its  minimum £60 pound and three points on my license I had no idea the offence was in November last year the thing is I am sure I got flashed by a speeding camera last night if I go on a speed awareness course I can save three points.
 I was doing 48 mph on a 40 mph road for the first offense. Will have to slow down if I loose my license I can't possibly get to work I would have to move back to Leeds .Not a great start to the new year be it my own fault.

Bought two clown loach for our tank all the fish are now in one tank the bedroom aquarium will be for chiclids Malawis.
Cooked Sunday lunch a gammon joint and small chicken Yorkshire's and mash.

Half way through season three breaking bad he is just moved unto the state of the art meth lab and coffee cafeteria , it just keeps getting better.

Week after next I have three days of then last week in February that will us all my holidays up .

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Well its Wednesday half way through the week life is average work eat sleep , work eat sleep guess it is the same for a lot of people out there too.
What makes life more interesting , i ask the question what does everybody do when your on a limited budget , when its cold and wet when going out is not option.
I wanted 2014 to be different new ideas new interests if you always do what you have always done then nothing changes the result stays the same.Million dollar question is what changes are going to happen this year.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Done two twelve hour shifts getting up just before eight and getting home just before eleven making for really long days.
Back to normal rest of week hopefully will get some extra shifts next week which will make next months pay packet more substantial.

Watching  -  "Catfish the TV show" on Viva all I can say its its different.

Listening to Sam Smith Covering Berlin brilliant record it is addictive on you tube .

Reading copy of GQ magazine I found.

Eating bacon fried tomatoes in pitta bread x 2 .

Drinking Cider pear cider by Stealla Artois not a patch on Koppaberg but got it cheap .

Sunday, January 12, 2014


The satellite man came he was cosmic he feed a Ariel lead to the TV in the bedroom we now have free view channels to watch in bed.
Went food shopping bought some Mexican burgers and a bag of Old Elpaso nachos  a bottle of  Guatemala and and a bottle sour cream sauce and a jar of salsa with cheese and fresh tomatoes.

cooked the other turkey crown we bought at Christmas our neighbours invited us around for dinner so we offered them our turkey crown and a small joint of gammon we was cooking for our dinner as part of the meal they was cooking  , she wanted to go buy a large chicken for six of us ,  we insisted she did not need to , we was also we was cooking roast and sweet potatoes , i went out and bought some cider to go with the meal .
We took pip not sure why before we left she had done two wee,s on the carpet highly embarrassing it was like Christmas dinner all over again even had cranberry sauce.

Watching - " Wolf of Wall Street" and the "The Internship"

Friday, January 10, 2014


Well got the overtime I wanted after numerous phone calls and emails I got my wish.

We will have been in the cottage six month at the end of January.
And we have made friends with the four couples on our small street Sam and Mick , Jonathan and Ellie , Beth and Charlie and Roger and Jo .

Pips best friend is a sheep dog that is more white than black and for the last few mornings they have been chasing easy other across the field at the back of our row of cottages.

In February the frogs come they have to make it to the small lake at  the back a lot get killed in their quest.

The ariel should be getting fixed in the next few days quite a few have blown down we are not alone , the engineer won't need any scaffolding or ladders as we are dug into an embankment you can step straight on to the roof from the back field.

Nearly completed season two of "Breaking Bad" I am still watching episodes I have seen so Helen can watch them.
Have started my pen writing diary its not as full as I expected but its a start.
Helen has four readings today which is a hood start for the new year which hopefully will continue.

Wednesday, January 08, 2014


The pole the sky dish was mounted on to , snapped in half during a storm and high winds ,as a result  the dish ended up on the roof therefore no signal , and as we don't subscribe to Sky they of course won't fix it.
Making do with Netflix and catch up TV , using Apple TV and the  ps3.

Trying to bag some overtime at work hoping to get two four hours shifts next week its like begging for scraps hopefully I will get a result.
I said I would always try and cover the cost of the lease on the car by working over and its not happened mainly because I have not approached my managers and line managers for any.

Tuesday, January 07, 2014


New location different cottage is not going to happen I want to stay where we are , I can't do with the hassle of it , life is one big struggle and moving would make the struggle harder so why do it.

Monday, January 06, 2014



I am Still playing  on my  ps3 "The Last of Us" I am  getting more into the game it has a really good story line and an escape from reality and god knows sometimes I need to escape.

Today i did another twelve hour shift at work although it reallybdragged hopefully i will get more overtime in the coming weeks.

All the Christmas decorations the  tree , tinsel and ornaments are all down and boxed up ready for next Christmas that's me being optimistic.

One of the orange Discuss tropical fish in the down stairs tank  has died and was like the other fish ended up being flushed down the toilet its seen its last new year.

Downloading season three of "Luther" as it is not available on Netflix at this moment in time , maybe next year , one of the best detective series in a long time I am a total fan , I even think his shitty flat is cool.

Although it was after two in the morning I was up just after eight guess I will  be knackered by  the early evening.
 We are going for a walk around the Blackfootmoor reservoir in Helme which is where our next cottage might be located.

Below the village church 100 yards from the cottage


Blackmoorfoot reservoir

Drove over  to Saddleworth and Dobcross to get some photos of the Christmas lights before they go out until this years Christmas.

Saddleworth park near the stepping stones

The village pub all trimmed up

Village post office next to the bank

We was up until five in the morning watching Breaking Bad i think i have got Helen hooked as she has never watched one episode previously.

got up just after half nine four and a half hours sleep seems enough i seem to be needing less and less sleep.
Think we need to get out and get more fresh air today or we will end up watching tv all day need some breakfast food ate the last of the bacon yesterday.
Tomorrow we go and view the interior of the cottage.

Friday, January 03, 2014


New year came and went we stayed up just after midnight before going to bed .New years day i worked a twelve hour shift need to earn cash.
Looks like we are on the move again moving to another little cottage this time in Helme , a few miles away from where we are now.
There is a separate kitchen and two bedrooms , we have seethe outside but will view the interior this Monday.

3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...