Tuesday, August 06, 2013


 The house is all signed up and there is no going back , as we exchanged contracts  today and it is now all legal it is now sold signed sealed and delivered .
I finish work Tuesday night and we pick the keys up for the cottage Wednesday at ten a.m. we will pay the bond and start to move our stuff in we have quite a few boxes packed already and the house is looking quite bear it looks like we have been robbed.

I made another trip to the tip and got rid of my hand made chest tool box i made thirty odd years ago it was the size of a trunk and was made to go at the end of a work bench rather than be transported about it was made from three quarter of a inch birch ply and had two lift out compartments and it was all dovetailed cut by hand by me i felt a touch of remorse but it was a beast of a box and  it weighed enough when it was empty , so was not practical.

So all systems a green i cant wait for Wednesday morning and our adventures begin , today was a massive fight over the road from where we are living about fifty youths where battling and people ask why we want out of the city the police came and they scattered this is not the norm by any means but its the thin end of the wedge .

I am not sure what reception we will get on the phones it might be rubbish we might have to bak to a Isp for our internet connection if so it will either be Sky or  Bt we need unlimited and a decent down load speed .

first thin we will do when we move in is buy all the essentials for the fridge freezer and pantry and food cupboards , same for the bedroom bathroom and Living room we are going to be busy and the truth is i really cant wait we are both so happy to be packing up and moving on .

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 SUNDAY _- Went to Nelson Court in York Helens mother had a bad fall she dislocated her shoulder fractured her arm in three places , broke h...