Saturday, March 09, 2013


Helen went back to Staples they had sent her a five pound money off  voucher via her email it was like a flame to a moth she printed it off and  the ink was hardly dry before we was in the car, this time she bought a brown A4 to go with the brown A5 she bought Wednesday , it was like deja vu versus ground hog day.she bought the paper dividers and other bits and pieces that she bought for the first edition rate its going we are going to have to buy another book case.

I printed out a load of images and logos and scanned them into the pc i then printed them out and laminated on to some card end result a usable lined A4 book i can add pages do a diary insert its very expandable , don't worry this is not my new hobby although it always nice to design something and have something unique , cant buy shit like this in the shops ..

have enough stuff to do a A5 and a note book will do different collage christ its so addictive being creative LOL.

We have another person coming to view our house tomorrow at eleven well today because it's eight minutes past midnight.

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