Wednesday, March 27, 2013


well i finished my twelve hour shifts i am now off for five days ,its also  payday my money goes in at midnight tonight yippee at least it's only a four week month.

My Daughter as landed safely at Manchester airport at half past eleven this morning so phoned me to tell me she was ok and that i would see her tonight.

It's been snowing again don't think my Daughter was impressed by the English weather she as left the beaches and sun behind .She Bungee jumped of Auckland harbour bridge a day or so before she left

 Suppose its a bit like like life once you have made that step and that commitment  then there's no going back  you cant undo whats been done you just got to go with the flow , i think i would have been still stood up there as always i would have needed a nudge or a push or a gun to my head.

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