Thursday, August 14, 2008

Started reading the second novel by John Twelve Hawks the "Dark River" the story line follows on from his first book "The Traveller" and is as good.

It's raining again just for a change its now getting depressing , Ellie or Westie can go out next week we would like it to be sunny for a few days in a row so we can get down to the canal.

Not working this Saturday but going in Sunday for double time we might be having my son staying over Friday night its been a while and i know he is getting the brunt of my wife's emotions at this time and its getting him down.

He is only fifteen and she shouldn't be stressing him out with threats of crashing the car and ending it all , at the end of the day she is only worried herself and about having to leave the house AND NOTHING ELSE .At the end of the day its only bricks and mortar and yet she wont consider living anywhere elsewhere. she is also is telling him that they are going to be homeless on the street and will end up living on the wrong side of town.But only if she doesn't get her act together, and get a better paid job and start working more hours , other than the few hours that she works part time each day , she could also sell the car and buy a cheaper second hand run around and have cash in the bank.

Broke the ear piece of my i-pod earphones will have to replace them wont be buying the Apple replacement ones they not worth in my opinion the asking price and i think the quality could be better might by the Ross Gummy gel ones again for £7.99.

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