Monday, August 11, 2008

finished work at one picked Helen up from the house then drove over to Meadow Hall Sheffield bought some jeans from River Island , had fish and chips from Harry Ramsden's at the oasis food hall bought some oil for the burner some tin hearts to go on the fire surround.
A YEAR A GO TODAY I GOT HELEN'S MOBILE NUMBER and i started contacting her the following Monday and all the rest followed.... Finished work at one o clock again and picked Helen up from home no idea where to go and w eended up some how at a little village called Ripley very quaint from there went to Patley Bridge then decided to go to the White Swan at Aberford had a plate of lamb chops and chocolate fudge cake Helen had apple pie with toffee Cinnamon crumble and custard
Took Ellie to the vets for her second injection she can go out and about in a weeks time she never flinched . we booked her to get spayed this wont be until 11th November when she is six months old.Went to Tropical world at Roundhay Park hence the picture of a meerkat then to the dentist for an inspection and clean . Parked up in Leeds city centre went in to Primark and bought a white shirt , Helen bought black shirts and black coat and new knickers and bra's , went to the Town Hall to get a copy of Helen's marriage certificate for her divorce after completing a search they don't have it on record , she as to go to the church she got married at and get a copy from there it appears they have not sent them in this was over five years ago.We finally got the ironing done last night , it had been piling up so between we worked until it was finished and everything got ironed Helen taught me how to iron and i am OK at t-shirts and jeans but need more practice

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3 IN 1

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