Tuesday, March 09, 2021


My Son is 28 years old going on sixteen he lived with his mother in York until she died he spent his entire life living with her.He carried  on living at her cottage with his step father for a further six to nine months before deciding to move out and live with  his girlfriend  at her step Mothers house one big big mistake , they split up he was homeless no money or very little money no job and defo no abode , absolutely he has hit rock bottom and the the only way forward was for us to take him in.

It was hard we didn't trust him from past experiences it was not something we wanted we are happy living on our own having someone else living with you with no end dat in sight was something we could do with out .

He wanted to live back in  York he found a room in a shared house that he liked he moves in this week .

So  I paid is bond and his first months rent which went on the credit card .He does have the possibility of two jobs  starting when he moves back , he only needs one hopefully he will pick the right job and find constant employment for at least the next six months or longer .

Hopefully if he does work and and starts to get a wage again on a regular basis . he starts to save his money and buys things that he needs to help him . he needs everything  he only as few possessions apart from clothes and a few tools he as not amassed much he use to have a Suzuki Bandit motorbike and a VXR car both where his pride and joy , he lost both including his licence to drive .

I started with nothing when I got divorced a bag of clothes my iPod and hard drive with music and films on yet I never felt so free .I didn't even have a phone on contract totally pay as you go was not even a sim contract .

You have to prioritise what you need and what is essential for your life what comforts you what  need that is a must  and what you can do with out .

Buying food personal hygiene products a cheap laptop and a decent phone that you can email listen to and download music on and of course watch Netflix and Prime or other videos and films on , and have a camera  to use .A push bike for getting around on he his only twenty minute walk into the centre of York less on a bike .

Eating out buying alcohol and drugs are not buying food and having money to get to work is he moves back to York this Saturday a new beginning a new start if he chooses you can only do so much the rest is down to him .I hope he gets a job asp and a new girlfriend that he saves his money and gets a house to rent that is his and that he starts to build and make a home that he is not a cuckoo building a home in someone else nest.

The thing we hope is of course that he is happy and that he stays Happy that he stays true and good and clean that he lives a live worth living and does not slide back into old habits and of course realises we can't bail him out again its too stressful I am too old I want to see him a success even little successes like being responsible for his life and the things that he does and the roads he goes down .

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