Sunday, March 28, 2021


 September the 19th 2006 was when I posted my first post in this blog people might still be waiting for something vaguely for me to write something slightly interesting .But this is mainly just my diary instead of putting pen to paper and is not writing to gain followers or any type of audience if people read it and come back to read it again that is fine if not that is also fine it is nice to have others read your shit but some days that all it is my shit .

Anyway saying that my shits have gone and I am back at work at least its a short week and we get paid on Friday yippee .

My son is working twelve hour shifts as from this Friday , also working the Saturday, Sunday , Monday and Tuesdays not sure if he gets extra pay for working the weekend I  hope he does as he needs a good influx of cash .

Helen bought a white board , black board and a pin board for her office will fix them later she as sprayed the wooden edges black , we also bought two lengths of dado rail for the bathroom and some 60 mm bright wire panel pins to fix it into situ ,

FRIDAY -Although it has been a short week still glad its Friday and the weekend looms I know it will be over in a blink of an eye but Fridays night drive home really it is Saturday morning ir  is still special its the best day of the week because its the weekend and no work for till Monday evening .

I am twenty five posts away from 1000 posts on instagram 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021


 No work for 48 hours as I have real bad diarrhoea and as I work in a hospital I cannot attend work basically so I don't infect others it will be Wednesday before I can go back .

Not been in contact with my son I have phoned him over the last three days and he has not picked up or called me back so I have no idea how is job is going or even if he is working which is highly annoying.obviously if he wanted anything he would be constantly harassing me ,

Helen ordered some wallpaper from John Lewis online forty pound a roll will take photos once its up on the wall I can't wallpaper to save my life so I won't be pasting it up , I have trouble with rod chip .

Bought some 6% Rattler cloudy cider I have not had any cider really since my son was staying with us three bottles for a fiver .

Covid deaths in the U.K on Monday just gone was seventeen which is considerably down from previous days which is still too many hopefully it will get down to zero in the coming days .

Saturday, March 20, 2021


 They are already predicting a third wave of coronavirus would be too much if its happening then its looking like it will never go away and we are stuck with it for another twelve months its too much people have suffered enough too many have died and it seems more will die .Doubt normality won't return ever .

For the young children growing up or yet to be born its scary the planet and the world is fucked what is the future for them going to be like .

SATURDAY - Going to Argos to pick up a pc chair to go behind Helens desk in her revamped office the spare bedroom I find a wider top and a back panel on to the existing Ikea dressing table and it looks good cheaper than buying another desk .

My son started a new job today he will be working five twelve hour shifts six till six in a warehouse it sounds boring but life is boring without money so hopefully he will stick it out and start improving his day to day life .He is biking there and back hopefully 

Went to Penistone picked up some chicken in bread crumbs and some sweet potatoes fries which I will be having for my tea .

Got  home assembled the gaming chair it rises and falls and the back also adjusts and of course its on wheels its better than the clear perspex chair which it is replacing .

Tuesday, March 16, 2021


 It seems different without my son here not having a third person in the house is less of a strain .He seems to have settled in to his new house ok so far so good .He goes for a works trial this Thursday there is no reason why he shouldn't end up getting the job and they will pay him for the days trail to boot ,

What he wants at the moment is a bike there is one in the garage from the person who had his rom before him and he wants sixty pounds for it and of course he as asked me to buy it for him and I have refused he will have to either walk or bus it to his job when he gats a wage he can either buy the bike or buy another bike , its York there are loads of bikes for sale it won't be an issue .

MONDAY - Turning the spare room into an office for Helen to do her readings and her other work in there  she bought a vertical stand up shelving unit and two shelves and six support brackets I assembled them and fixed the shelves to the wall after we arrived home from Ikea click and collect in Sheffield tp pick her order up .

The wall also got painted Sunday morning before we went over to York the bed that was in here was  sold and was picked up Sunday morning we will eventually get  a double day bed when funds allow and perhaps a better desk at the moment is just a dressing table we might get a white hardboard back for it to enclose it  .

Saturday, March 13, 2021


 Completed the census 2021 did it online took fifteen minutes was easy enough so now we are on the grid fully detailed our address known good job I am a well behaved upstanding British citizen which is true .

I am looking forward to summer it means a lot warmer sunnier brighter weather it lifts the spirit improves my happiness and well being hopefully its red hot a scorcher that starts end of March lasts until the end of October .

Hopefully the pubs are back open for our Sunday roast dinners looking over to the boating lake with blue skies and birds singing , I know we will be lucky but it not asking for material goods just brighter days don't think that's too much to ask for after battling Covid -19 .

FRIDAY - Guys last day with us we asked what he wanted for tea and he asked for a chicken and pancetta carbonara we cooked it using fresh double cream and fresh tagliatelle pasta and different herbs and chicken stock with freshly made garlic bread  it was fitting last meal together .

SATURDAY - Set of to York just after half last two was Guys moving out day and into his shared house in Fulford in York after stopping at his sisters house not far from where we all lived together when I was married .

His sister was giving him an  hair dryer , Samsung t.v and an extension cable , we gave him bedding a mattress topper and duvet  and pillows ,he also took my Samsung tablet and Amazon fire stick I was thinking about giving him a echo dot but resisted the temptation .

I didn't take long to unpack the car hopefully when he moves out to where ever he goes next he will have more belongings .

Took him shopping to Iceland he bought pizzas , ham and chicken slices ,bread ,milk coffee ,juice ,sugar butter , tomato sauce  and mayo,

Thursday, March 11, 2021


 Helen bought more paint for the spare bedroom we are doing one of the walls in a deep dark purple colour from Farrow & Ball will do it when my son moves out its only one wall and I have a roll of low tack masking tape and a new roller frame and roller sleeve should be a blast .

Having a week of work or nine days including the weekends I always seem to have an idea what I will do but it never pans out that way wonder why that is .

Took Bailey to the vets he is limping they said he had pulled a ligament inches knee he might have to have an operation to repair it or it could heal itself over the next few weeks , it helps him being a small dog he has been given some meds to prevent swelling and pain although he is not distressed or showing signs of being in any pain other than slightly limping .

My son has only two more nights with us and he moves out this coming Saturday to live back in York hopefully it will be a bright and sunny day , but either way rain or shine life is what you make it or he makes it .

Will he cope if he gets a job and stays away from drink and drugs yes , if he is unemployed and living on universal credit yes if he stays away from drink and drugs , he can manage if he budgets for his food and other necessities . Do I believe he will make it he is capable and more than able if he wants to prove to himself he will if nothing changes he will fail and  fall and he will more than likely struggle for the rest of his life .He needs to see the joy in starting again accept the challenge he is at base camp it might be a long difficult climb but he can reach the summit the peak the very top of the mountain if he chooses and accepts the gauntlet thrown down in front of him .

Tuesday, March 09, 2021


My Son is 28 years old going on sixteen he lived with his mother in York until she died he spent his entire life living with her.He carried  on living at her cottage with his step father for a further six to nine months before deciding to move out and live with  his girlfriend  at her step Mothers house one big big mistake , they split up he was homeless no money or very little money no job and defo no abode , absolutely he has hit rock bottom and the the only way forward was for us to take him in.

It was hard we didn't trust him from past experiences it was not something we wanted we are happy living on our own having someone else living with you with no end dat in sight was something we could do with out .

He wanted to live back in  York he found a room in a shared house that he liked he moves in this week .

So  I paid is bond and his first months rent which went on the credit card .He does have the possibility of two jobs  starting when he moves back , he only needs one hopefully he will pick the right job and find constant employment for at least the next six months or longer .

Hopefully if he does work and and starts to get a wage again on a regular basis . he starts to save his money and buys things that he needs to help him . he needs everything  he only as few possessions apart from clothes and a few tools he as not amassed much he use to have a Suzuki Bandit motorbike and a VXR car both where his pride and joy , he lost both including his licence to drive .

I started with nothing when I got divorced a bag of clothes my iPod and hard drive with music and films on yet I never felt so free .I didn't even have a phone on contract totally pay as you go was not even a sim contract .

You have to prioritise what you need and what is essential for your life what comforts you what  need that is a must  and what you can do with out .

Buying food personal hygiene products a cheap laptop and a decent phone that you can email listen to and download music on and of course watch Netflix and Prime or other videos and films on , and have a camera  to use .A push bike for getting around on he his only twenty minute walk into the centre of York less on a bike .

Eating out buying alcohol and drugs are not buying food and having money to get to work is he moves back to York this Saturday a new beginning a new start if he chooses you can only do so much the rest is down to him .I hope he gets a job asp and a new girlfriend that he saves his money and gets a house to rent that is his and that he starts to build and make a home that he is not a cuckoo building a home in someone else nest.

The thing we hope is of course that he is happy and that he stays Happy that he stays true and good and clean that he lives a live worth living and does not slide back into old habits and of course realises we can't bail him out again its too stressful I am too old I want to see him a success even little successes like being responsible for his life and the things that he does and the roads he goes down .

Sunday, March 07, 2021


 Break up Friday for a full nine days off work new holiday allocation starts in April.Be the last week my son lives with us he moves out a week this Saturday hopefully to independent stand on his own two feet and to be responsible for his day to day living .

Have a couple of tv episodes to watch the Ghost Adventures "The Cecil Hotel episode.  I am starting to watch the CBS series Clarice following on from "The Silence Of The Lambs" film it follows the detective  Clarence Starlings life after her capturing the serial killer Buffalo Bill.

FRIDAY - Went and bought a 2.5 litre tin of Farrow and Ball paint the same colour we use din the living room we are using it in our bedroom just on the one wall behind our bed head .Got nine days off work don't want to be bored do I .

SATURDAY - Painted the bedroom wall behind our bed .Once everthing was pulled out it only took a few hours the low tack masking tape pulled some of the paint off the wall so will need to touch up in a few places .

Went to Compo's fish shop for tea the queue was not too bad hate getting a ticket to wait in line but I put my order in and got the fish and Chips without a ticket a lot better .Next Saturday my son Guy should be in his own place hopefully enjoying life and living the dream .

Its been different having him here he spends most of his day in the bedroom he is quite he comes down for food drinks and a cigarette before return to his bedroom he sometimes comes out with us when we go shopping living in one room in a shared house should not be a problem for him he is doing the same here .

SUNDAY -First one up same every morning np matter how late I go to bed usually the last in bed and even after spending hour in bed on Tok - Tok I wa sup an hour and half before Helen or Guy .

I need to nip out to the farm shop get a joint of beef for a Sunday roast dinner and some veg. Will get some fresh tomatoes for a sausage and tom sandwich as well as some bread cakes .Before  I do some touching up in the bedroom hopefully .

Wednesday, March 03, 2021


 Made another orange cake using the juice and rind of four oranges four eggs oil flour and sugar its well easy moist and tastes gorgeous specially when it is iced on top.

Did a few walks over the weekend the weather was cool but with the sun shining and clear blue skies .

Tuesday came over with Josh and the kids and we went to nearby reservoirs within walking distance to where we live .

We slow cooked some braising steak and had it with dumplings and Yorkshire puddings and mash potatoes .After we headed out for another walk this time to Winscar reservoir the sun was slowly setting yet it was still warm .

Tuesday, March 02, 2021


Helens Mac book had to go back to the repair shop on her desktop when she booted up  there was a folder error showing , the diagnostics was  the hard disc internal lead needed replacing at a  cost off £36 hopefully no more issues for a while at least , total cost £256 still not bad I guess .

Repainted the living room walls we did the main wall which is the biggest at 8m x 2.3 m took the tv off the wall was able to put the usb lead into the back of the t.v  so we can watch movies on a usb drive and moved the other stuff out of the way painting it took three to four hours giving it two coats of Farrow &Ball Paint at £85 a tin its not the cheapest paint out there I also did the stair wall . All and all it looking good hopefully when it fully dries completely it will be flawless.

The day after we also did the door and architrave on the door on the wall that is under the stairs that goes to the bedrooms .

Thinking of taking yet another lump out of my pension I still have my hospital pension which i pay into every month  this will remain untouched and still will have around 30k left in it even if I take more cash out. In these uncertain times why not as getting old might not happen so why worry I will never starve .

Need to get some cider since my son moved in I have not been drinking I do miss the odd can with my dinner before going to work , I don't want to encourage his drinking but why should I not have a can just because he cant control his alcohol consumption .

We have had my son living with since the 4th of Feb and its not been easy with covid lock down and other issues has made life difficult my son and his situation was forced upon us it was something we did not want in another two weeks he will move out and be able to live what ever life he chooses or can afford .if he spends money on drink and other substances he wont get very far if he concentrates on paying his rent and buying food and other essentials that he needs to get bye he will life a better life but at the end of the day  the choice his is but he cant rely on money from me to bail him out if he fails .


 SUNDAY -  Went over to a school in Huddersfield for a Spiritual and well being event you can buy various spiritual objects tarot cards ince...