Thursday, September 12, 2019


Looking at buying into a shared housing scheme where you pay a big chunk of cash and pay a small rent each month , obviously the more percentage of the house you pay then the cheaper the monthly rent. The benefits you own part of a house you are not just paying rent if you own 75% and the value of the property goes up you can always cash in by selling it back and moving on.
Draw backs you don't own the whole house unless you pay the balance and there might be a monthly service charge that needs to be paid on top of the rent . Not sure how you sell it on or if you can without owning the whole of the house

WEDNESDAY - Cant believe 9/11 happened it was another era I can't believe I was seeing on the news people jumping to their deaths to avoid getting burnt Alive .I cant believe the second plane hitting the second tower than the first tower collapsing , I cant believe all the fire men and others that lost their lives that day hopefully we will never witness anything on that scale again , but then Isis happened where a lot more lives where lost , I can believe we are doomed the planet is being brought to it knees by greed man always comes first and will always get his way until this changes we are a needle stuck on a never ending playing record.

My daughter has had  tattoo number two done at the same tattoo studio in Leeds city centre Red Tattoo ,  I knew she would they are addictive it is a lotus flower with her son Jenson Pisces zodiac star constellation ,  bet she is already planing her next one ,

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3 IN 1

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