Monday, September 30, 2019


SATURDAY - Managed to walk Bailey before the rain really started its a dull wet grey Saturday not sure what I want to do apart from drink coffee eat and chill out .
I asked Helen if we bought a camper van and we was touring the remote parts of Scotland and for whatever reason the van would not start and we was stranded what emergency rations and items would she store . Her reply was a match and a piece of sting , after I had sowed my side back up I said what about food she replied totally serious and said rice and pasta if we do ever get a van I will be in charge of the only use in emergency cupboard , otherwise we will end up like Chris McCandless may he rest in peace .

If you are reading this and not heard of Chris McCandless watch the film "Into The Wild " then listen to the album by the same name by the legend  Eddie Vedder.

Went to our favourite fish and chip shop was late in the afternoon more like an early tea as always we had haddock and chips Helen's with peas and mine with beans she had tea me a coke they was very good as always .

SUNDAY - Went to the White Swan Inn for Sunday lunch we have been about four times now this time we just had the pork Sunday roast it is nice food but to be honest it is not filling I left wanting another plate full I had eaten mine in ten minutes Helen was still eating hers twenty minutes in  I felt like  Oliver Twist .
Watched the Johnny Depp film "The Ninth Gate" its been a while since I have seen it .

Friday, September 27, 2019


At least going back to work makes looking forward to the weekends extra special although they do go incredibly fast . I have booked three days annual leave in October the 23rd, 24th and 25th and I am already excited and  looking forward to these days off .

My daughter as bought a new car a black Audi 1 she picks it up Wednesday safe and trouble free driving hopefully .

WEDNESDAY  - The cottage we viewed was ideal it was super clean and nicely decorated as the photos showed the garden was also  big enough and  end road parking ideal all'n'all we really couldn't find any major faults or issues apart from there is no fire we would have liked a log burning fire it is solely heated by the central heating . We have no more real space really than what we have here but it is spread over three floors with the bedroom and bathroom upstairs we registered our interest and put an offer in of 1500k less than the asking price so all fingers and toes crossed .
Another big plus is all are old neighbours are literally just down the road a few hundred yards away.

FRIDAY - Got the boiler serviced £65 good for another years .Paid some funds in to the online national lottery and did a line for the £167 million Euro Lottery I also bought a ticket at the local supermarket its pay day so why not , Helen also did a line online as well as the Euro hot picks , got to be in it to win it as they say .

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


SUNDAY - Went back to Ikea Helen wanted another lantern on the way home we stopped of at a farm shop and bought a few supplies like ice cream and a apple and pear pie , and sweet potatoes for the Sunday dinner that we are cooking when we get home roast pork and Yorkshire pudding .

updated my  iPhone to IOS 13 think its been over hyped apart from the camera editing tools and dark mode its not that great might just be me and might not have seen all the new add-ons , will see what I think after I have used it a bit more.

MONDAY - Cant believe Thomas Cook has ended their travel company literally been round for years sad news for those who have lost holidays and even more so to those who have booked honeymoons through them , and of course sad for a lot of the front line staff who will be no looking for new jobs of course the fat cats the ones receiving the big bonus payments will be just fine .

Work starting  at  four pm all this week then back to normal shift patent not looking forward prefer working 18.00 till 02.00 damn .

Had someone view the van totally out of the blue was a couple who are down sizing I was at work but by all accounts they loved it as most people do if they decide to buy it we are viewing a property on Wednesday at Cinders Hill Holmfirth  this is at the end of the street where we use to live on Upper Bank End Road , its a one bedroom cottage with a  loft the loft look better than the bedroom .The bathroom is bigger than what we have now but the kitchen is smaller .

The kitchen looks adequate we won't get an American style fridge freezer in there but the shops are not too far away so it shouldn't be an issue .
The living room looks warm and inviting love the beams and lights plus the recessed window this is bigger than what we have now .

The actual garden is bigger  than shown here but with many walks for the dogs it's not an issue .

The loft and bathroom shown below will take our own photos tomorrow when we view the property in the afternoon overall the property has a new feel to it  , it is fresh and clean plus it is stone built with a decent garden , it does look bigger from the outside but it is listed as a cottage so will see .
If you draw a line under where the loft is you can see it is a  small living space but I reckon it will do us ,

Monday, September 23, 2019


THURSDAY  -  The blog hit 100,120 all time views totally unbelievable .The last couple of days have been like summer the weather hot but enjoyable .
We saw a media  post of a friend  he was eating egg and chips with bread and butter , the chips were hand cut and deep fried  in a chip pan . So what did we do ? yep went out and bought and electric fryer  along with two one litre bottles of sunflower oil , a large bag of potatoes and bread cakes and sliced bread the new fryer cost only £14.99 from Asda by George .Will always argue chips always taste better done in dripping but of course a lot less healthier .

FRIDAY - Download the new Sam Fender album "Hypersonic Missiles and Liam Gallagher "As You Were via Spotify any one not using Spotify highly recommend it , more than worth the subscription .

Went to buy some blank cd's Helen does readings and then writes them to disc to give to the person to listen to at their own speed and time. She had run out of blank discs I usually get them of eBay for her , we went to three major stores Sainsbury's , Tesco and Asda none stock them we went to a Pc World store it was shut for refurbishment we ended up at Argos how times have changed . New cars do not have a CD player we don't own a CD player we use the DVD player guess no one is burning music to disc anymore the floppy disc died a death looks like cd's will go the same way.

SATURDAY - At the chiropodist this morning at 10.30 taking the dogs to the vets at 14.00 for their nails doing worming and flea treatments and any injections they need .

Late  evening went to Ikea bought a few bits for supper e had a Chinese special fried rice curry sauce and chips  there was enough for two for £9.20 , won't want another one for at least six months

Thursday, September 19, 2019


TUESDAY -  It is hard getting back into work even harder to get motivated the job is as mundane as ever and I am nit doing full shifts yet this week I am working 18.00 to 22.00 and it is dragging seems a hell of a lot longer .

The morning viewing yesterday went ok I took the dogs out for a walk in some near by woods whilst the people looked around the van , they have the money to buy it they also have a motor home we see parked up a few miles away near a Indian restaurant we go to , it has electrical operated  pods that extend out from the sides to create a lot  more living space .

Bought some smoked cod we had it with boiled  new potatoes and sweet corn with salt and pepper bread .My piece looked like it had teeth looks like a dinosaur head with butte rand black pepper it was very tasty .

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


SUNDAY - I just looked at my page views and it stated I am  at 99, 901 views it looks like I am  going to reach  100k very soon I started the blog on September the 19th 2006 coming up to its 13th anniversary 2057 posts written not sure how many words a lot of drivel ,  bad spelling and punctuation hopefully I have slightly got better over the years thank god for spell checker so  thank you readers thank s every one of you and thanks to those who have read more than one posting I doubt there are many out there but thanks  .

Did not go out for lunch instead we went to M&S and bought a rolled turkey joint I also like their oat meal biscuits and Helen prefers the washing up liquid they sell , we had dinner with roasted parsnips sweet pots and roasted pots and Yorkshire pudding also had a few sprouts .
Watched 'Adrift" on Netflix amazing true story check it out also watched a Liam Neilson film similar to the Taken films but newer .

MONDAY -  Got a viewing for us to go  view a property in Linthwaite at 01.00 pm it is a  2 bedroom house the  sale price is  £110 k with a massive rear garden and plenty of open fields to the rear of the property . it is stone built in Yorkshire stone with a decent size kitchen and living rooms . with exposed beams in parts . with a wood burning stove and white bathroom fittings fingers cross we like it when we view it .We got there it had the worlds smallest kitchen and most of the unit doors were pealing no attempt had been made to clean and it smelt of cat piss the bedrooms also looked a lot smaller than the photos wide angle camera lens to make the rooms look bigger and no garden also it was further than we thought so a big fat no .

Least I got to go to Castle Hill which can be seen from miles away the tower was built in to commemorate Queen Victoria's diamond of 1897 , also the round house which is very near buy and very modern which was built in 1995  .

Sunday, September 15, 2019


SATURDAY - We have  another person coming to view the van on Tuesday at 11.30 am  , we have lowered the asking price by over 5k it was good to try for 100k but being realistic it was being very optimistic , so fingers crossed we will get a reasonable offer and we can move on to our next home .

In the afternoon we had a drive over to Acaster Malbis to see Helens folks  , it was warm and sunny we went with them  to a small village high street Acomb which was only a few miles away to the main high street  had quite a few charity shops .We bought Jamie Oliver cook book  "Cook Italy "for £2.50 from the local heart foundation shop
We stopped on the way back at a local farm and bought some free range hen eggs they had an honesty bowl they cost only £1.40 for half a dozen we had the right change and dropped it in .

We went back for dinner her mother had cooked us a roast lamb dinner with roasted veg , after eating I went in to the garden for some fresh air and captured this amazing photo of the sun setting  just after half past seven of course I wish is was somewhere more exotic maybe soon I will .

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Looking at buying into a shared housing scheme where you pay a big chunk of cash and pay a small rent each month , obviously the more percentage of the house you pay then the cheaper the monthly rent. The benefits you own part of a house you are not just paying rent if you own 75% and the value of the property goes up you can always cash in by selling it back and moving on.
Draw backs you don't own the whole house unless you pay the balance and there might be a monthly service charge that needs to be paid on top of the rent . Not sure how you sell it on or if you can without owning the whole of the house

WEDNESDAY - Cant believe 9/11 happened it was another era I can't believe I was seeing on the news people jumping to their deaths to avoid getting burnt Alive .I cant believe the second plane hitting the second tower than the first tower collapsing , I cant believe all the fire men and others that lost their lives that day hopefully we will never witness anything on that scale again , but then Isis happened where a lot more lives where lost , I can believe we are doomed the planet is being brought to it knees by greed man always comes first and will always get his way until this changes we are a needle stuck on a never ending playing record.

My daughter has had  tattoo number two done at the same tattoo studio in Leeds city centre Red Tattoo ,  I knew she would they are addictive it is a lotus flower with her son Jenson Pisces zodiac star constellation ,  bet she is already planing her next one ,

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

NEARLY 100,000

SUNDAY - Helen's parents came for their Sunday dinner we had roast shoulder of pork bought from the local farm shop along with roasted sweet potatoes , Yorkshire puddings , stuffing and roast potatoes was excellent .
After we went to Beaumont Park we took the dogs Helen's parents followed in their car it was our first visit  . One of the house's we  viewed a few weeks ago we  put an offer on  , its rear garden backs directly on to this park  and we thought we would check it out . It is a fine park and we had a nice stroll through some of its grounds we did not have time to check out all the park but we likes what we saw  .

MONDAY - First week working for all of the week , I am still doing 19.00 till 22.00 on my phased return schedule .Which is good but makes for a long day it is nice finishing for ten p.m.

The telecom engineer from BT called our broadband is running slow again he said its due to an extension we have running to the out building  he reset the line and removed the extension when he left our speed was 34 mbps .

My blog is coming up to 100,000  page views not sure why it is way unbelievable as  it is mainly my diary  instead of a pen written one which to be honest I thought it would only be me viewing it ., and it would last a few years tops .
The fact others are interested enough to scan through it  ,  is very moving . Specially as I am the first to admit I don't live a great life I am more than Mr average .  I wish I could do  more travelling  and get to a lot more destinations even if only in the U,K but you never know what is around the corner any way if you are one reading this thank you feel free to make a comment , hopefully a nice one hopefully be Rollin Bye for many more years to come , thank you all.

We bought the Cluedo board game a few weeks ago we played it for the first time the other night Helen won both games I got both my accusations wrong which made her the winner still it was good fun.

TUESDAY - Broadband speed is now 4 mbps not the extension is it then Mr BT engineer .
Helen bought a new silent night double electric blanket it is now fitted ready for winter no doubt it will be working before then .

Monday, September 09, 2019


Been a sunny September day went out to the shops Helen bought laundry items limited edition conditioner , wash powder tabs and a some little smelling fragrant balls you throw in with your clothes before you wash them .Me I bought two boxes of salted caramel magnum's and two packs of oat meal biscuits ideal for dunking.

This coming Saturday is my daughter and her business partner and her  best friend Jade,  Hair Salon open day it is also my ex wife's birthday she died just after Boxing Day on the 27th of December 2018 , and its sad she never got to see this tremendous day of course she would of been overjoyed and proud of her daughters hard work and success , goes without saying I am too she has done loads in the last few weeks to get the salon up and running it is a great achievement .

They had some really good food  I specially  liked the chocolate cookies with sea salt on top very nice along with the fruit punch. There was quite a few people there  and it was quite hot and  sunny a perfect day the salon was looking well , all nice ,  all finished freshly painted with new fittings .

The letters J&T that are on the wall was done by Helen with dried flowers and a can of rose gold spray paint .To say the salon a few weeks previous when they bought has now been totally transformed is a credit to their determination and help from friends and family and some of the trade people they know doing extra to help them get up and running on time at little cost .Hopefully onwards and upwards .

Wednesday, September 04, 2019


Looking at cheap drones well drones costing no more than £175 which have half decent fly time and return to home function and follow me function it is amazing how many choices there is .We have a viewing booked some people  on Wednesday evening are coming to have a look at our home with the option of  buying it , if a sensible offer is made than the clock will start ticking , and we will need to find  a property for us to move into we need to organize a mortgage and some how get our stuff moved out and into the new home .

The viewing went perfect they loved it they thought it was amazing they faulted nothing we had spent the last two days tidying up I did at least a dozen blue Ikea bags of garden rubble old plastic plant pots and old plants that where way  past their sell by date . I also cleaned out the out buildings and got them looking better  and less cluttered . We bought some more scented diffusers and some plug in air fresheners we also bought some flowers and fresh fruit .

The couple who viewed it hopefully will put in an offer and hopefully it will be for the full asking price as they have a buyer for their home which was confirmed today and they are down sizing so hopefully won't haggle us over the price as we need every penny for our new home .

My last day on sick is tomorrow I am back at work on Friday the last few months have flown by it is going to be weird going back on the last day of the week for a three hour shift , it seems like I have been off work a lot longer .

This time last year we was in Ibiza wish I was back there total chilling instead it is a great island with great people and culture . Perhaps we can get away with the money w have made if we sell our home.

Monday, September 02, 2019


Need to go to Ossett village centre Helen needs a new vapour pen or machine the mini Arc she is using is given he nothing put problems she bought a new one a few weeks back and it leaks she gets oil in her mouth and it maybe even be given her mouth ulcers so new machine it is .

SATURDAY - When we went to the vape shop we ended up buying a new tank that fitter her mini arc battery packs for a cost of only  £10 and so far so good  , she also bought two bottles of oil she does prefer the oil she was using so she might end up sticking with the Totally Wicked oil.

Helen is working at half past four tonight doing five readings over in Huddersfield not sure if I will stay or drop her off and then come home and pick her up when she has finished .If I stay I will have my 500 ml bottle of juice I am currently drinking cherries and berries instead of my regular orange and mango life is never boring plus  my phone and iPad  can continue to read "An Unwanted Guest " and maybe even a bar of chocolate or a bag of buttons a fun Saturday night .
I ended up going home it was only 9 miles away it did not make sense to stay she ended up doing six readings so I still had an hours wait .

Bentley my cat was sick it stunk in the sick was a full body of a mouse it was like something out of The Walking Dead was not impressed one bit  ,the joys of owning a cat.

SUNDAY - Went to the White Swan at Fenay Bridge for Sunday dinner we went a few weeks ago the food was excellent once again we had the same as last time mixed meat beef and pork roast pots Yorkshire puddings and swede washed down with a cup of tea for Helen and a cloudy apple cider for me .
Later in the afternoon after we had a drive about the local villages around where we live  we ended up going to the Olive tree at Totties garden centre Scholes for afternoon tea  , we have seen it for years but for some reason never ventured in , the do a full breakfast for £7.99  , we only ordered cake I had triple chocolate cake with pouring cream and  Helen she  had spice ginger cake with ice cream I had mine with a cappuccino and of course a pot of tea for Helen .

3 IN 1

 THURSDAY - Rang in sick for the rest of the week no work until Monday still sleeping on the corner sofa with a quilt and pillows would be a...