Wednesday, February 27, 2019


MONDAY - So sad the day , my first proper dog Bandit a female Jack Russell that we bought from a dog rescue centre was put to sleep hopefully she had no idea and felt no pain . Both my daughter and son was with her to comfort and hold her including the hours before she was put to sleep .
They took her to the vet and then  they stayed with to the end of life  then they brought her body home she will be buried near Lara the cat no doubt  , hopefully they are together again in heaven .The both of them each had wonderful long and happy eventful life's .

I use to walk her for miles across the canals and nature reserves I would take my iPod listen to the likes of Snow patrol , Coldplay Razor light and R.H.C.P and wander of in to my own private world day dreaming and wishing . I saw her out run a Greyhound around a field and out face a dog three times her size yet she was never nasty to any dog or cat unless they threatened her happy memories .

I saw her for the last time a few weeks ago when I picked my son up to take him to his dentist in Manchester , of course not realizing it would be the last time .

TUESDAY - Did not go to work yesterday my good hip and left foot is playing up in pain a a big part of the day I have an appointment at the doctors Thursday .I will stay off work until next week hopefully will get some anti inflammatory tablets and stronger pain killers and a referral to the surgeon who replaced my left hip a few years ago .

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Need some white trainers for summer and new sliders with thicker soles  , also need a few Ben Sherman t-shirts , I am ok for shorts I bought a few pairs last year when we went to Ibiza .

Two years ago January 2017 I had an hip replacement on my left hip the right one is now causing me pain and it seems to be getting worse .I have made an appointment to see the doctor who referred me last time hopefully we can get the same surgeon Simon Jones and the same hospital to get the same high quality treatment that  I had last time .I don't know what the timescale will be not sure if I can have the op , if I do I will be double bionic two titanium and ceramic hips .

Helen did a couple of readings so treated herself to a 50ml  bottle of Armani Diamonds and a diary and pink  leather writing case .

For the first time ever they have messed up my monthly wages I have been paid a flat basic wage no Saturday enhancements and no night rate which is around £400 I don't have going in to my account , I have emailed the payroll and so far not had a reply.

SATURDAY - Went over to Helen's parents at Acaster Malbis for dinner it was a Sunday dinner but on a Saturday afternoon  we had roast pork with all the trimmings including Yorkshire puds and roast spuds followed by which was a big plus a home made trifle  they moved here exactly one year ago on this date amazing I thought it was longer .

Tried some Voltarol gel for my hip pain I rubbed some in and amazingly it seemed to work and I was pain free as it gets to work in minutes which is a lot quicker than taking tablets , the gel is around £15.99 , there is a Boots chemist where I work and we get a whopping 10% staff discount , well its better than nowt .

Bidding on eBay for a pair of black Beats solo 3 wireless headphones in black current bid £16.99 six days left doubt I will win them but who knows a last minute bid could seal the deal , these cost between £249 and £299 on the Apple web site.

SUNDAY - Had a call from my daughter my old Jack Russell Bandit is being taken to the vets to be  put down tomorrow morning ,  she  has gone blind over the last couple of days and is constantly bumping and walking in to things plus she is having trouble walking anyway and will loose the use of her legs which is no good . Bye Bandit R.I.P.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


SUNDAY - Got rid of the outside fish tank a friend is swapping his chimney for it, I  went out to empty the water this morning and one of the four fish was floating on the top not sure when he died it looked fresh so can't have been long ,got the water out cleaned it out put the three fish in a bucket just has he pulled up in his works van to be honest was glad to see them go .

Moved the water feature we had round the back to the front buried the power lead from it under the soil cant see it .

washed the bay windows outside all the windows are now cleaned  and sparkling won't stay that way  a few days at least we have the cleanest windows on our street .

Finished off by cooking some lamb steaks and mash potatoes for dinner a bit boring no Yorkshire puddings .

MONDAY - Bought drill bits 10 x 2mm , 10 x 3mm and 10 x 4mm for seven quid pays to have small drill bits was able to put the brackets on the door to hold the bottom of the blind .

Did some food shopping bought two whole chickens , two gammon steaks and a packet of chicken breast to do a stew in the slow cooker along with  some smoked ham and fresh pasta to do a carbonara  we have more than enough food to last till pay day on the 27th .

Work is a pain we have that many staff off covering all areas is a struggle every day we need more employees it is getting serious .

Have been looking at getting some fake air pods I 1O TWS they are a third of the price and the reviews are giving them great feed back I lost a pair of Akg and I can get them for £6 I would like some wireless ones for out doors and a decent over ear ones for use in the home .

Sunday, February 17, 2019


Friday - Helen went to Pinderfields' hospital she had an appointment  to have a camera down her throat , she was given an aesthetic injection and manage to complete the process .
On the way back we went a different route found a B&M bought more grey bedding and some cereal bowls , as well as scrub buddies and other bits and pieces including two ice trays that make ice cubes that will fit through the neck of my stainless steel drinks bottle .

SATURDAY -  I Went to the chiropodist like walking on air again money well spent .Have lost my Akg headphones for my Samsung s8 annoying to say the least and I lost a brand new polo Gel pen as well .
Finished the rest of the blinds mange to cut three down to fit the bay for the price there where mega cheaper I think the biggest one they sell is still only twenty quid they are very good they fix and cut down easily and are now all up and fitted .

Thursday, February 14, 2019


WEDNESDAY - Helen bought blinds for each of the windows in  the van didn't start to fit them until this after none had to go back out and buy some white pre painted mdf architrave to bring the blinds forward off the wall so they clear the window we have two in grey and the rest in white the bay window I will leave to last .

THURSDAY - Fitted more blinds prefer the grey coloured ones rusher than the white one of the blinds needed reducing in width had to cut ever blind slat with the blind trimmer very tedious over one hundred cuts but got there in the end .Anyway you know what they say if it wasn't for blinds it be curtains for us all .

Valentines day we went out for fish and chips late in the afternoon we was supposed to go out for breakfast but was way too busy doing the blinds we have also bought one for the glass door which is just the right width .

Helen's rocking horse is all stained waxed and polished ready for valentines day which is why I bought it for her it looks a lot better the bare wood  .

Saturday, February 09, 2019


Helen has had a coil fitted to regulate her periods and make them less heavy she looses a lot of blood every month and suffers terrible pains and aches hopefully this Merena coil could even stop her periods altogether , might even stop her mood swings hehe.

Bought two Yankee candle wax burners one in black the other in white it was only when Helen took one to the checkout and was charge half price did we find they had been reduced , the quickest U-turn ever to the shelf with the other  burners  on , which was near to the check out and in easy reach o pick up another one a case of buy one get one free .

SATURDAY - Went over to Dobcross garden centre bought a clock for the kitchen wall its black with a white face .They was selling off a wooden rocking horse it was knocked down to £199 I bought it for an early valentine present for Helen she has wanted one for years so I bought it for her .

On the way back we called in at Compo's fish restaurant at Holmfirth we had not eaten all day and it has been a while since we have eaten here as always the food was excellent .

Thursday, February 07, 2019


SUNDAY - Went to the aquarium shop in our local garden centre bought three bags of black gravel some new stones and some wood a plastic jelly fish and flora which under the blue light is day glow  all in all just under £100 , we changed the water cleaned out the pump and washed all the pads and filters took over two hours a full 100% water changed , a pain in the arse to do but worth it for the benefit of the fish .

Helen's Law of attraction planner / journal she got off  Amazon arrived it was left  on the porch when we got back from shopping this planner is around £30.00 and apparently if you use the correct pen you can put it in the microwave  for around 20 seconds and it erases all the content if you write with a pilot frixion pen .

Cooked a pork joint with the fat on with mashed carrot and swede roast potatoes and Yorkshire puddings , Helen had a reading at six so we had a late dinner .Got to admit when pork is cooked right it is a great taste and texture specially the crackling.
I went in the bedroom with my laptop headphones and a very large brandy , coke and ice watching YouTube .

MONDAY - Back to work hard to get back in the swing of things caught up with my emails and tried to cover the next three weeks rotas as there is a load of the workforce of on annual leave have left or are on long term sick not a easy task.

TUESDAY - Went back to the aquarium suppliers bought a hand made concrete triangular rock  with holes which sits at the back of the tank it did cost £40 but it sets off the tank , and it is beneficial for the fish we also bought a new Fluval digital thermometer  ,  looks dynamic think we will get more fish at the end of the month .

After the water change the it was looking cloudy shit always blows out once the tank is primed 48 hours the water is crystal clear no debris no discolouring the tank water  looks like you could bottle it and sell it as spring water .

Tuesday, February 05, 2019


SATURDAY - Got up went over to Meadow Hall at Sheffield it was very quiet the roads clear parking easy . I had a gift card for Fat Face and Helen had one for White Stuff we both  ended up buying under wear ,
Helen also bought a padded hooded winter coat from Next and a baby blue and pink sweat hoodie top also from Fat Face.
We wandered over to the Apple store I got to admit the new  IPhone looks a lot more nicer than the Samsung S8 that we both currently have contracts end in August the displays look a lot more clearer and brighter all and all looks a nicer phone I think we have both decided after a few weeks of using the S8's that we will definitely do a switch back to the  IPhone we both regret the switch and both miss Apple.

Washed the car salt from the gritted roads makes the car look like something out of Mad Max it was warm enough to give it a wash its back to its lustrous metallic red , the inside needs a vac which I left .

EVENING - We went to the Corn Mill Hotel at Leeds we was invited to a celebration of life  , an event  for our good friend Graham who sadly passed away due to complications brought on by cancer  before Christmas .There was a good turn out  of people , and food was laid on continuing of various pizza's , fish and chicken goujons , sausage rolls chicken skewers and jacket potatoes  topped with cheese all very nice and appreciated .They had four easels with photos of  different stages of his life ,were all going to end up on a easel board in a room for people to few , in a nut shell all life is all about making memories ,

Friday, February 01, 2019


THURSDAY - The car this morning  was well iced up but nothing like they are getting in the U.S.A and it was  also foggy we was driving to Ikea in Leeds  , we was going to meet up with my daughter and her friend Jade whom she is opening the hair salon with in a couple of months time .

We bought some glass coffee cups and some glass beakers , as well as a rug and a door mat with three hearts on it  we also bought new dog blankets in grey and 100 night lights , and a really good fake orchid in white for only £10 .00  they was selling real ones for half that price.
I bought a bag of Ikea meat balls the same as they sell in the restaurant  , some mash potatoes gravy mix and a jar of loganberry all set for tea , I also bought two cans of Ikea pear cider which was the very first pear cider I ever tasted .And of course we all had hot dogs and milk shakes after leaving the check outs ,

When we got home the Amazon echo dot  Helen bought online was on the decking Helen had bought it for my daughters birthday it was suppose to be delivered earlier in the week but better late then not being delivered at all , After a quick call to my daughter to confirm she would be in we drove over to her house and got it set up she cooked us both tea  ,bless her  I think she was genuinely happy with her new friend Alexa .She also let me use her family membership for Spotify which is nice .

FEBRUARY  FRIDAY - A dusting of snow yet again but to be honest it is not that bad went to the supermarket bought some essentials lamb steaks and rump and sirloin steaks as well as  chicken Kiev's and chicken  breast in breadcrumbs , I also bought asparagus sprouts and broccoli as well as frozen mash and some crinkle cut chips  , a block of cheese chicken tikka spread and three cheese spread , a packet of both red and green chillies I also bought a med jar of coffee and a large packet of t-bags and a six pint bottle of semi skimmed  milk  and a  med size bottle of Coca Cola the real thing  to go with the whiskey and brandy that I still have left over from Christmas .

from the farm shop I bought 2 doz eggs half a dozen fish cakes 2 trays of minced  beef and a tray containing  two large chicken breasts and two pain au chocolate that I need to bake in the oven for about  15 minutes.
Well my week off from work is nearly over it has gone not too bad not really fast and not too slow  which I was off till summer driving in winter too risky .


 SUNDAY -  Went over to a school in Huddersfield for a Spiritual and well being event you can buy various spiritual objects tarot cards ince...