Saturday, July 14, 2018


Two weeks of working 6 - 2 which suits me down to the ground , bring it on already more or less got be week in the bag , seeing as it is 12.45 Friday morning .
England out of the World Cup never mind it's par for the course nothing ever changes.
Went to Toby Carvery for breakfast we nearly didn't make it fifteen minutes to spare was plenty of food left coffee was low , but it was way too hot inside best to eat up and go .

FRIDAY -First day we have had rain since I cant remember it is only a fine drizzle and won't make any difference to the water  levels in any of the reservoirs  at least the plant and pond life will benefit .
Received a pay out from PPI from Capital one for a grand total 0f £198 there was more interest added on at 8% then the charges that I had paid for the insurance and of course I will also need to pay fees to the company dealing with my claim.

SATURDAY - Washed polished the car using Williams clean and shine , then went to Asda bought some steak mushrooms and  four boxes of ice cream,  lollies two punnets of fresh strawberries and double cream more also bought some Indian kebabs and pot strips and beef burgers and cloudy cider not forgetting the cat and dog food .

Did a full water change on the fish tank , cleaned out the filter put new polishing pads in and some freshly bleached rocks that have been outside in the garden in the sun  for the last two months it will take 24 hours for it to be crystal clear again once the filter is primed it kicks a load of old debris back out in to the water .

Downloaded some reading material from Amazon Prime two Tech magazines T3 and Stuff also a book by Neil Hawkesford "A Foolish Voyage"  . I also downloaded some tunes and some playlists ranging from R.E.M to the Mumford & Sons @ £7.99 a month I am getting my moneys worth also downloaded American Gangster film and Vikings season 1 .

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 SUNDAY -  Went over to a school in Huddersfield for a Spiritual and well being event you can buy various spiritual objects tarot cards ince...