Friday, June 29, 2018


Getting a cheque from British Gas for £230 thank you they added on a extra £30 for taking so long to sort this out all monies gratefully received , and   as always every penny helps.
The weather is still hot and England is still in the World Cup and look like they will make it to the final sixteen .
just done over a 1000 miles in the car and just made the first payment 47 to go cant wait hopefully the car will still be running good .
Need some burgers and mushrooms as well as chicken pieces  to make some filling sandwiches cooking big meals in this heat is too much .
 Driving home at two in the morning is very peaceful the roads a well quite even on the main motorway it is quite driving is a good experience it would be nice to be driving to the coast I always imagine getting there for sun rise having breakfast and driving home one day I might do this if I did more than likely I would go to Southport .
The weather is still red hot it is my last shift finishing at two I the morning next week normal hours I will finish at ten .

Bought some Rattlers cider for the weekend it is going to be hot hopefully we will get to the pictures and eat out somewhere .

Monday, June 25, 2018


Most of the staff that work at the hospital are in to working overtime some people can double their wages and are coming out with more money the managers and supervisors . There is always overtime due to holidays , sickness and vacancies some people demand overtime due to money issues trying to be fair is hard work someone is always either going to loose out or not get the shifts they want but that's life .Same as annual leave you cant always get the days or weeks you want off its a lottery winners and losers another pain in the arse fact we did not get our pay rise this month hopefully the rise and back pay will be in July's wage packet fingers crossed .

Got next week at work six two five days at starting at 18.00 hours at least if it is sunny I will see most of the sun going to work at five in the afternoon suits me fine .

SATURDAY - My sister bought me some combat shorts and shirts for my holiday in September ,I need to get some swim shorts and new trainers , I will go to Primark and get some t-shirts and I should be sorted .

SUNDAY -Its red hot warmest day w have had this year and it is supposed to be getting hotter the following week which is good seeing as I don't have to leave for work until late afternoon.
My Daughter is in Portugal for a hen party think it last four days.

MONDAY - Took Helen for her out patients appointment for her heart unless it gives her any reason for concern she has been told that she no longer needs to make another appointment which is good .

My hay fever is a pain the hotter and sunnier then the grasses dry out and the pollen much higher when I was younger the only rest bite I got was two weeks at the coast utter bliss I think that's why I like Scarborough so much excluding the fish and chips and ice creams .

Already missed the first car repayment for some unknown reason they are trying to take a payment before I get paid ,

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Need a new microwave ours blew a fuse and no longer works , we have been with out it for a few days its a nightmare no microwave uncle Ben's rice and no re-heating cups of coffee up Helen more or less  warms up every cup of tea that she to I make ,  that's 100% true.
Cant really afford one until pay day have spent up this month getting the new car and paying for the passports , will have to wait until payday .What ever make I buy it will have to be in black as white  won't go .

SUNDAY - My daughter called over  this morning with Jenson my grandson with some bottles of  pear cider and a chocolate orange for fathers day , she had already had gave me a gift card for the cinema which was more than enough  , she called over this morning and took me and Helen for a Fathers day breakfast we drove over  to Canon Hall both breakfast and the coffee was greatly appreciated big thanks .

Cooked pork and roast potatoes for Sunday lunch which was late going into the oven we did not have time to go to the cinema to see the latest Jurassic Park oh well next weekend .

MONDAY - Back at work managed to watch some of the England World Cup opening game was ok always seem to pass the ball backwards rather than forward at least they got a win .
The motor way slip roads where closed coming home had to go through Wakefield to get home which put another twenty minutes on my drive home always , always never straight forward regarding driving on the M1 .

Saturday, June 16, 2018


Need to get to the coast for a day out next time I am off on leave need a fix of sea air and the sea breeze need to smell the ocean and see the waves and feel the sand beneath my feet .I could easily live on the coast the noise of the ocean and the gulls would not bother me .

Passports should arrive tomorrow hand delivered to our door by courier another day we have to stay in today we are waiting for the Bt engineer to sort out our intermittent Internet .

The Bt Engineer never showed up wankers at least we got the passports two weeks start to finish well impressed the new passports are designed pretty nice compared to fourteen years ago.

Washed all of the windows in our static home took about twenty minutes to get them all nice and clean .

Cleaned up all the leaves and moss that had blown into the garden from the high winds that we had during the night .

Did another home made pizza using a three cheese flat bread base was ok the base was  a little crunchy than what I liked other than that it was really tasty used sliced mozzarella cheese and barbecued chicken pizzas and shiitake mushrooms and red onions and chilli oil .

Bought a bottle of Williams wash and shine polish it cost me a tenner and is good if not better than Greased lighting black and red look well good polished up .

Monday, June 11, 2018


Went over to see my Nephew in his residence it is a lovely house , I have to admit  I love everything about it from its interiors to the gardens outside ,  plus I love his cat Tutu.To be honest no way does the photo do any justice to the cat she is a lot more gorgeous than how she has been photographed .

Had two coffees whilst we sat out and caught up on stuff occurring he is having a barbie on the 7th of July for his mother and of course my sisters birthday hopefully the weather will be perfect .
The smaller house eon the right his also his he rents this out and it more or less pays a big chunk of the mortgage every month .


Whilst I was there I had a text from the lovely people at the passport renewal I should have my new passport within two days fingers crossed .

I also had a call from the Skoda dealership they had realized I had walked out or should I say drove out with out paying the £158 balance for the new car I had bought oops .
At least Helen as a reading tonight by the telephone ,  it has been a while since her last it was the day before I picked the car up ,

Sunday, June 10, 2018


We had the potholes in our road fixed the other day there were a few deep ones that appeared after the winter months. The stilh saw they used for cutting out  the tarmac covered the car in fine dust I was able to give the car a hose down and a  wash this morning .
Went to the super market bought some pasta for a carbonara and some tuna for through the week .
Also bought some Halloumi cheese will try it in the morning with some streaky bacon and egg .

Got the week off work the sun might even make an appearance , got a text from the passport processing office all is good should receive it soon .

Watching the final episode of Marcella season one swell worth watching cant wait to catch up on season two.

SUNDAY - Cooked a full English breakfast with halloumi mushrooms baked beans the lot and hour later Helen is on the way to A&E in the back of an ambulance , no it was not my cooking she started a course of new tablets and we think and the nurses and doctor's think she may have had  had an allergic reaction to the new medication  , they took her bloods as well as an  E.c.g trace  checked her sugar levels all ok the only thing was her iron was way too low .We got discharged and went home .

Went to the petrol satin bought milk ,  cigs , paracetamol , Lucozade and chewing gum I also bought a extra large Cadbury's dime bar for me .
Had the left over carbonara for my tea I then rang my daughter she had been to see the latest Jurassic Park movie , I rang my son to wish him well he starts his new job tomorrow .

The Bt Engineers are back out Tuesday the internet connection is crap again

Thursday, June 07, 2018


Next week off work but  money is tight so not sure what if anything I will be doing , if the weather is hot guess walking the dogs and lounging on the sun lounger drinking juice .

A polish gentleman who works nights on A&E went back home to Poland for a couple of weeks  ,  he came back to work Monday night , and  he brought me a bottle of Polish mead  I was deeply touched it was totally unexpected .

Had a phone call from the gas board complaint department they are going to refund me £200 for the work I had done on the boiler whilst they were being paid a service payment every month for repairs and a yearly service so another result .

The Bt engineer is booked in for today to check our broadband connection I have been on the phone complaining thirteen times in the last few weeks hopefully it will  finally be sorted out .They fitted a new micro filter box  to the main feed in so now we don't need a wired micro filter hanging down its wired straight in .The connection seems more stable once they had the exchange change the speed coming down our line .

The mpg on the new car seems as good as what I was getting from driving a diesel which is good specially since unleaded fuel is cheaper per litre  .

Need to go see the new Jurassic park movie might go for the 3d version .

Monday, June 04, 2018


Applied for new passports online took around ten attempts for me to upload a photo that was accepted three refusals because they couldn't detect the outline of my head ugh more refusals  said eyes shut when they was clearly opened other reason background colour wrong finally had one accepted , felt like that I deserved a prize for getting one right .Three weeks should get the new ones through the post , I posted the old ones back to the passport office as instructed ,cost nearly £180 saved £12 doing my own photos . Going to Ibiza .

The timber post letter  box looks ok , I did a planter box to sit behind it so we have flowers growing up looks ok I also bought a brass number 5 to screw on to the front I hope the Postie uses it after all my hard work.

Washed the car for the first time since I have had , it it as nearly done 250 miles wonder how many miles , services ,m.o.t's it will have in its life or when I trade it in .

Back to work tomorrow I have one six two shift to do mid week which will break the week up nicely then I have another seven days off annual leave yippee .

Watching - Marcella season one

Listening to - Snow Patrol "Wildness'.

Playing X-box one "Zombie Trilogy"


 SUNDAY -  Went over to a school in Huddersfield for a Spiritual and well being event you can buy various spiritual objects tarot cards ince...