Saturday, April 16, 2016


We can finally connect to I Cloud a free wi-fi internet service at work , and seeing has my mobile connection is so shite then this is going to help out enormously with my web browsing capabilities You Tube and other sites .It is about time rumour has it also we are going to get computer upgrades , I pads and new os we are currently running xp not good.

Helen as had a  very good week with her readings and has had a very productive week which is good because I am piss poor yet again.

The weather this weekend is crap it is at best going to be grey and wet with rumours of maybe some snow which seems hard to believe seeing that  we are half way through April .

My son still has not phoned or text  me he has not bothered to contact me since the end of January he is still being ignorant , i would not have dreamed acting this way with my father i had too much respect obviously my son does not realise what respect is he needs to learn some before his time expires .

A colleague and friend at work had a stroke they took him to resus in A&E  then for a  Ct scan I had only been talking to him a few hours before it was lucky for him that we work in a Hospital as it more than likely saved his life .

Went for my quarterly hair cut i could not get in to my regular salon so i tried one i have passed want times but have never frequented , it had one chair a fire on the back wall and a really old wooden framed mirror that had seen better days and to be fair I received a great hair cut , I might even go back there next time .

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