Friday, February 01, 2013


The postman left a card telling me to pick up my package from collection office why  don't you just knock on the Fcuking door and i will open it and take my package from you retard, guessing it is my power lead for laptop as the office shuts at midday i will have to go in the morning and collect it.

We both went to Louise's Hair salon our good friend for a hair cut Helen has her hair dyed blonde , so i go first it takes all of five minutes then i leave , then i will return to pick Helen up in a few hours so it is chill out time.

I saw my camera in cash converters i know its mine i can pay a deposit and buy it back when i get paid next or do i leave it and get a totally  new camera will sleep on it it works out cheaper than getting a new camera .

Been practicing my calligraphy writing set i have to draw it out in pencil first its too hard to do it all free hand and to get it right first time , but it is improving gradually i am using Vivaldi font which i have on office 2007 Old English is hard i have done a few letters i really want to learn Black Letter but a step at a time , i am watching a book on Ebay its Calligraphy for Dummies should be more than suitable then , i have posted a picture o the lettering this is my first attempt its bad i know but i am not pretending otherwise but hopefully i will get better.Also i have downloaded new fonts which i have installed on Microsoft office 2007

Last day off then its back to 14.00 p.m  to 03.00 a.m shifts only for the first two days my line manager sent me a text message seeing as i can use the car i said yes .

Picked the laptop lead from the collections office £9.99 it works fine but its weird how the main lead fits the lead would be better if it exited the opposite way , saying that it works fine and will more than likely last longer then the laptop its plugged into.

I dropped Helen off at her mates house it her birthday and  i charged her £1.00 so i could buy a Mars bar on the way home will cost her a lot more if she wants picking up which she will do , a  hideous chuckle to myself .
Helen is cooking tea we are having Turkey dinosaur's cheesy chips and peas we are grown ups if nothing else followed by sponge and custard we have better food to eat but we are eating this by choice.

Went to the shop did the Euro Lottery bought some washing up liquid as we did not have one clean knife left and we were on the verge of running out of tea spoons so it was either by plastic or do the dishes .

Helen looking at Pandora bracelets and charms , she is creating her own using a online app she as just totaled it up and it is currently at £1500 thats only sixty readings thats two a day for a month.

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